Example sentences of "[that] even [subord] there be " in BNC.

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1 Brace , who gave up teaching and his rugby career in Bridgend to run , said that even though there is a large elite field in tomorrow 's race , only 25 per cent are a danger .
2 Perhaps the honourable member should do a competitiveness survey and go somewhere else for his queue , I do n't know but what I can tell the honourable gentleman is that even though there were losses in the banking industry for the last year there have been strongly offsetting rises in insurance and business services .
3 The base of the upper division can he defined as precisely as the lowest grain of sediment above the golden spike , so that even if there is a break at the level chosen , the definition will still stand and missing strata below the spike will automatically belong to the lower division .
4 Sam Skinner , the American transport secretary , believes that even if there are fewer airlines in America ‘ robust competition will continue ’ .
5 What seems abundantly clear is that even if there were not the three months ' residence requirement in the case of Northern Ireland , it would still be necessary , in order to qualify to vote , for a person to have there a ‘ residence ’ in which he spent a substantial part of the year .
6 This means that even if there were events before the big bang , one could not use them to determine what would happen afterward , because predictability would break down at the big bang .
7 He told a packed lecture chamber at Strathclyde University that the increase in CO emissions was now so large that even if there were a 1 per cent reduction worldwide from 2000 , it would take 100 years for levels to stabilise in the atmosphere .
8 So , I believe that what you 're also saying is that even if there were war , that would n't necessarily mean that the tap would suddenly turn off and there 'd be no more oil coming out of the Middle East ?
9 There is not space to discuss here even briefly the many controversial issues raised in the literature on corporatism , but in so far as territorial politics are concerned , it must be observed that even if there was or is a trend towards greater centralisation of political representation , this does not at all mean that there might not also be a functional deconcentration towards the periphery in specific cases .
10 I wonder if you feel that even if there was a deal , the British government , the Foreign Office , represented as they were , so admirably really , by Sir Edward Heath , he seems to have done a very good job , I wonder if he had to work very hard , or do you think perhaps , anybody could carry that out ?
11 Well we told Westminster Press to introduce a budget on the basis that even if there was no revenue increase , er we would achieve a , a respectable trading margin erm and so that will happen .
12 The approach of the majority seems to have been that even if there was such a breach the courts would refuse to acknowledge that it existed .
13 It is perhaps a measure of Leapor 's character that even where there is little hope that injustice will be overcome , she is willing to raise a protest .
14 They have , for example , suggested that even where there is no express requirement to consult , such a requirement may be implied on the grounds of fairness .
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