Example sentences of "[that] there might be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Subject presumes perceived er speaker as pr prestigious and authoritative and they perceived that there might be future interaction with him perceived his speech is more similar to their own than subjects who were told nothing about the speaker .
2 The elections of 1906 and 1910 had shown the danger to the Unionist party from a Liberal-Labour alliance on class lines ; the budget of 1909 had shown how far that alliance might threaten the social base on which Unionism itself rested ; and the encroachments of the syndicalists suggested that there might be dangerous forces yet to be released .
3 One can also consider the possibility that there might be black holes with masses much less than that of the sun .
4 This led some writers to suspect that the Third World , like the First World , was not of a piece , but that there might be substantial differences of kind as well as the obvious differences of degree between countries .
5 I do not think it wrong for a man to open his eyes , look around him and consider that there might be other roads upon which to travel . ’
6 It occurred to me that there might be other readers who also ran the program and were confused with the results they obtained .
7 Ideally he should have indicated to them that there might be other reasons for failing to reply , other than guilt .
8 There was always the possibility that there might be other places , beyond the limits of the known , which were inhabited by the unnatural monsters of fable .
9 Besides , he was beginning to guess that there might be other games , and if so , he would like to know .
10 Never does it occur to him that there might be good reason to dispute his proposals .
11 Driving through fog on the M25 , listening to yet another radio programme about the recession , it is difficult to imagine that there might be light at the end of the tunnel ; but spring is on its way , and I hope it will bring with it some sign of the long-promised upturn in the economy .
12 Not only is space one , but the very notion that there might be different , unconnected , spaces is really unintelligible .
13 Furthermore , it is not possible to talk about the " type " of thing substance is without actually talking about the substance itself , for substance is by definition one , and any suggestion that there might be different specimens of it is incoherent .
14 Many well-intentioned people , including some doctors , still recommend alcohol , albeit in moderation , for a variety of conditions and complaints , giving the impression that there might be positive advantages in a small drink , and tacitly suggesting that there are no dangers .
15 In the Court of Appeal Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. , at p. 282 , held that there might be express or implied limitations on the right to devolve in the statute , and that otherwise a decision to devolve could be attacked if it was irrational in administrative terms .
16 The idea that there might be intelligent lifeforms — indeed , civilizations more advanced than our own — on other worlds has been resisted vociferously by fundamentalists of various religions and , astonishingly , by a few scientists .
17 In those days she had likened the climb to life : she had dared to hope that there might be wonderful things over the horizon .
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