Example sentences of "[that] she [vb mod] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
2 He could n't really think that she would stop her investigations just because of a few threats ?
3 He hardly dared hope that she would change her mind and marry him .
4 There were some risks to life and limb , however , over which she had no control ; how could she ever have guessed that she would outlive her son Robert by almost exactly 10 years ?
5 She was unschooled in the niceties of royal behaviour and felt absolutely terrified that she would embarrass her fiance in some way .
6 She had worked for him and her mother in a variety of businesses and was always assured that she would inherit his estate when he died .
7 Her behaviour towards Falati was in breach of a promise she had made to her husband before the trial that she would curb her temper and her excesses and maintain a low profile , the ANC sources said .
8 Lady Grange 's husband had been a Jacobite and during one of their marital battles she hinted that she would expose his seditious leanings — for which he could be hanged .
9 Accordingly , Belinda left the veranda and went to her room , deciding on the way that she would wear her new black evening trousers and the pale apricot silk camisole top she had bought to go with them .
10 In the end she yielded , declared that she would wear their gift , tucked inside her raincoat .
11 David remained close for a brief moment , perhaps hoping that she would retract her words , but Beth only looked at him in that certain proud manner which told him she would not change her mind .
12 Maginnis had been listening to almost two hours of complaints about the police when a woman announced that she would clap her hands if she heard of an RUC constable 's death .
13 He hoped too that she would alienate her feminist editor , Jess .
14 Kelly decided that she had to talk to Annie , even if there was a risk that she would tell her husband .
15 While it was n't exactly a cheerful tone , it was more animated than Faye had been since she first admitted that she was having trouble with her eyes , and Belinda knew that she would tell her husband about the problem as soon as they were alone .
16 As she flicked over memories of the day — embracing in the cold silken water , under that mysterious layer of white mist which cut off the sky above yet gave clear vision to the other side , a quarter of a mile away — the sense of wicked escape , as they laughed together in the empty lunch-time pub … she decided that she would tell her mother she 'd been working both Sundays .
17 The grandmother was always frightened that she would follow her mother 's mistake : ‘ she always said I 'd turn oot t'be like my mother …
18 Her one great fear had always been that she would lose her children — they were too precious to her , they had cost to much to lose now .
19 Faye said nothing more about it , but when they got home she announced that she would take her blood-sugar level and evening insulin dose in her room and then lie down on her bed until dinner .
20 JERVIS : Why , sir , she is a poor , innocent , young creature and I believe has so much confidence in me that she would take my advice as soon as she would her mother 's .
21 Although she stated that after 25 years in government she was keen to seek new challenges , there was widespread speculation that she would resume her political career in 1992 by contesting either the governorship or a Senate seat in her native North Carolina .
22 and I put twenty thousand pounds to give , I , I mean I took it that she would use her allowance , er I took it erm as twenty thousand pounds to give his wife as high a possible gross earning
23 He took his wife with him , but he was n't sure that she would keep his secret , so he did not tell her the truth .
24 The force of it lifted Golden Girl 's stern and for a moment Trent feared that she would bury her bows in the sea and pitch-pole .
25 The King 's officials had told me that the Princess was very popular , and the people hoped that she would become my wife .
26 Beth had persuaded David to mend the rustic oak bench , and it was here that she would spend her happiest times , sitting beneath the old apple tree , watching the children at play .
27 She also said that she would ask her parents whether they would be happy about her going to a youth club with her best friend .
28 Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she would have her own part to play after husband Bill was swept to power .
29 Frau Weber announced that she would have her daughter returned by the police .
30 It was odd that she would have her own servant , Isabel mused vaguely .
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