Example sentences of "[that] this can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Like Arnold and Leavis these writers , concerned above all with what Holbrook calls the children 's ‘ humanity ’ , believe that this can be touched and sensitized by engagement with great works of art .
2 It is only amongst the third , however , that this can be seen as ‘ causal ’ in any determinate sense .
3 Theories of gender and education have , to some extent , mirrored those on class and education : there are those who believe that inequality is caused by the differential socialization of girls and boys ( in a sense , that girls are ‘ culturally deprived ’ ) and that this can be overcome through removing prejudice ; there are also those ( e.g. Spender 1982 ; Mahony 1985 ) who believe that schools both reflect and reproduce patriarchal relations .
4 They concede that the Church 's policy of rotating the Moderator every year can pose some difficulties for broadcasters and newspapers in terms of availability and profile , but they argue that this can be overcome and does not explain all the recent exclusions from discussions .
5 I feel that this reflects inadequate training and/or briefing of such staff on the work of different sections of the Garden , and I am sure that this can be overcome relatively easily by providing adequate induction courses for all the RBGE , BTC and others who have contact with members of the public .
6 It is certainly not the case that this can be discerned in the work of all the nouveaux romanciers at the same time ; however , that such a development did indeed take place suggests that a new poetics was being tacitly formulated .
7 Helen to be contacted and asked for the plinth so that this can be completed before this years event .
8 Instead of using a fixed percentage , Cubbin and Leech argue that a shareholder or group of shareholders can be regarded as having control where it is likely that they would win a contested vote , but that this can be determined only by examining the degree of dispersal of shareholdings within the individual company concerned .
9 Depending on the expert and the case you may need to do all or any of the following : summarise the facts of the case and the legal issues ; ask specific questions and indicate their legal significance ; ask whether any further evidence is likely to be available , so that this can be sought on discovery ; and whether any further enquiries , tests or reports are necessary .
10 First we may consider the phrase : ( 25 ) acrobatic performance In the light of the discussion above we may remark that this can be understood in either of two ways : first , as covering any performance which is so described because it is linked with the idea of an acrobat in the execution of his or her professional duties ; this would include expertise in juggling , tightrope walking , standing on one 's hands , and so on , even if they are performed by an amateur lacking any natural talent for the task ; second , ( 25 ) may be used to designate any performance which is acrobatic in itself , even if not part of the normal repertoire of acrobats , for instance , grabbing hold of a branch growing out from a cliff just after falling from the top .
11 Although the chief focus of this chapter is the ‘ house ’ and ‘ home ’ , it should also be kept in mind that this can be extended to apply to any circumstances or environment to which a woman gives structure and form .
12 With both types there often needs to be an offset ( or swan neck ) , to connect the outlet to the top of the downpipe , so that this can be positioned against the wall .
13 I am quite certain that this can be achieved .
14 The following plan is one way that this can be achieved :
15 More radical moves to reform the NHS are based on a belief that individuals should take more responsibility for their health care and that this can be achieved by extending the choice of different suppliers of medical services .
16 Just the fact that this can be achieved at less than £10,000 for a complete system is rather likely to upset anyone who has invested hundreds of thousands in ‘ Third Wave ’ systems and discovers that , for a tenth the cost they could actually achieve rather more .
17 Other case management experiments have been intended to reduce reliance upon hospital or residential care , and some have shown that this can be achieved while others produce conflicting evidence .
18 We still have some malt to sell if we are to achieve 1992 volumes but we remain optimistic that this can be achieved .
19 Essentially , the classic experimental design involves controlling all factors extraneous to the hypothesis of interest in order that this can be tested .
20 Well that 's the only way that this can be assessed , is by , so that the patient blah blah la when a patient feels his care is not good he knows he can complain without any worry .
21 It is to be hoped that this can be applied to other similar situations of deadlock .
22 Suppose that an individual has to put up 100 per cent margin ( i.e. has to pay the full amount of the investment Pf from the start ) but that this can be invested at the riskless rate r .
23 He asks " How are such propositions possible ? " , and his answer is that this can be explained only by assuming that space and time are a priori features of our cognitive constitution , not properties of things in themselves .
24 Of course refineries can be modified or adjusted to produce the necessary product range given time , but the idea that this can be done to every refinery simultaneously and instantaneously is ludicrous .
25 That this can be done is borne out in practice , and it is sometimes noted that , in the course of treatment for some long-standing chronic condition , patients will re-experience old symptoms which they may have forgotten about .
26 We shall see that this can be done by using a suitable generalisation of the single-objective criterion that the objective row coefficients should be non-negative .
27 The psychological and political problem is that of persuading the people that this can be done .
28 The covers are being produced at the moment and I have asked Margaret Lockhart at CPU to get estimates for copying the contents and combining with the cover and binding so that this can be done a.s.a.p after the September Social Work Committee .
29 The departments involved must now look closely at the stated objectives and work out how they will discharge their responsibilities , going round the loop until there is agreement that this can be done .
30 We know that this can be done at about 12 months of age and in future it is quite possible that farmers will use these measurements in selecting their bulling heifers . ’
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