Example sentences of "[that] the [noun pl] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The agreements in any case regulate only style and media , not the amount of advertising , and there is no evidence that the restrictions have limited its effectiveness .
2 Although Mr Hornsby was quick to stress that the investors have held a dialogue with the Revenue and have nothing to hide , he admitted that they got ‘ very upset ’ when letters from the Revenue began arriving .
3 The Civil Aviation Committee met the next day and challenged two parts of the draft agreement that the Americans had inserted : the right of civil aircraft to use the US-leased bases in the Caribbean and Atlantic , and the right of US airlines to ‘ change gauge ’ in Britain , that is , switch to smaller aircraft for flights going on as part of the fifth freedom .
4 On the other hand British claims that the Americans had come to recognize the folly of their conduct in the Suez crisis depend as usual upon a simplistic interpretation of American policy from 1951 , and ignore the fact that in 1958 the intruding powers were able to work with — not against — the grain of local politics .
5 It was not till we saw the captive aerostat balloon with its ever watching radar that the Americans had hoisted over Grand Bahama to probe for boats or aircraft smuggling drugs , that the Maggot again spoke , and by then he had recaptured all his old insouciance .
6 In addition , much of the aid that the Americans sent lined the pockets of his corrupt regime .
7 Although on friendly terms with Matthew Boulton before going to Birmingham , he would not give him the details of a cannon ‘ that the Americans have constructed on a new principle ’ .
8 However , sales and industry standards are not always compatible in the computer world — and the Americans may be reluctant to fall into line , ‘ This is probably the first time that the Americans have adopted a European standard , ’ says Dave Garnett of the Cambridge software firm CIS .
9 Perhaps the problem has been that the Americans have adopted Pop Art as a national institution and seen it as exclusively an American product , so I found the inclusion of the German painters , Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter , illuminating .
10 It makes no sense for two countries to build essentially the same satellite , and the surge-tide of new satellites from Europe and Japan is threatening to kill ideas that the Americans have had for years .
11 ‘ Word came that the reivers had hidden their galleys in the sea lochan at Arivegaig . ’
12 The DUC realized that the companies had converted buildings and built a store without the required planning permission .
13 The foundation brought the case after it had examined government records showing that the companies had exceeded pollution limits consistently since 1984 .
14 It was known in advance that the companies sampled planned for at least three years in the future , frequently for longer , and that the time between making a strategic decision and the final outcome was long .
15 But now that the Nineties are in full swing , has anyone out there discovered that the phones have stopped jangling , their Filofax is miraculously blank , or the traffic clogging our roads has withered to a trickle ?
16 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
17 I was crouched in the hay in the stable that the horses have gone from and she did n't know I was watching her .
18 There is substantial evidence that the Contras have helped finance their war by large-scale drug-trafficking to the US , although the Iran-Contra hearings conspicuously avoided any public probing into this can of worms .
19 Fujimori alleged that the plotters had intended to assassinate him , but the coup attempt fizzled out after widespread support failed to materialise and after senior officers apparently loyal to Fujimori sent armoured units to defend the presidential palace .
20 On April 17 a Lebanese newspaper reported , citing Sudanese government sources , that the plotters had planned to reinstall the former President Jaafer al-Nemery and that the Cairo-based opposition umbrella group , the National Democratic Alliance ( NDA ) , had known of the plot and had sought to arrange a meeting between Nemery and Garang .
21 One reviewer of the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 writes : ‘ Now that the Cubists have grown into a school their works occupy several rooms and are to be seen in several exhibitions ’ , and another : ‘ the Cubists are to be found in force ’ .
22 The fact of all homes in the street having inside WCs was in itself evidence that the planners had earmarked the property as being for professional occupants as opposed to the ‘ working-man ’ .
23 Some paleontologists suggested that the reptiles had died out through racial senility in order to leave room for their successors , the mammals , who were waiting in the wings ready to seize control of the world .
24 You then bring your hands down and show that the birds have flown .
25 Except for birds seen during severe winter weather , which have often associated with influxes of other geese , records of this species are open to the suspicion that the birds have escaped from captivity .
26 Since it is hard to see how in any respect , in the context of interdicts , legacies could have been brought into line with trusts , at the very least we must suppose that the compilers have turned the text around , writing of making legacies equivalent to trusts where Ulpian had written of making trusts equivalent to legacies .
27 The size of each household depended upon the stage of the life cycle that the occupants had reached and upon whether or not adolescents were living-in as servants or apprentices .
28 The first ( and most diagnostic ) is the presence of bedding — not a duvet and pillows , but rather grass , dead leaves or other vegetation that the occupants have collected to cushion and insulate their chambers .
29 Their schemes , especially under the emperors , were extensive , grandiose , eye-catching , but never of the same meticulous quality of craftmanship and design that the Greeks had attained before them .
30 Bothwell 's men had to carry their leader back to Hermitage , where he was greeted by the mortifying news that the prisoners had overpowered their guards and taken charge of the castle .
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