Example sentences of "[that] they could [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The railway made it worth while for Louise : Gustave was never really far away , however severe he sounded in his letters ; the next one would surely say that they could meet again , that only two hours separated them .
2 It turned out to be so big that he invited people specially to help eat it , and then it proved so salty that they could manage only a little of it .
3 The PA report was supposed to justify the Government 's programme and ensure that they could press ahead with what they wanted to do .
4 She selected from among them , knowing that they could eat very little of this forest feast .
5 It may be that long experience of minorities encouraged them to feel that they could cope better with an absentee ruler than one who upset the balance of power at home .
6 For example , a social worker felt that clients could speak more openly to him because they knew he could not recognise them in other contexts , and a counsellor reported that her clients would sometimes say that they could speak more openly knowing that she could not see them .
7 The countryside was so blurred that they could form only the vaguest idea of how it must look when the sun was shining .
8 He writes that , having ‘ grabbed ’ Bosnia at the Congress of Berlin in 1878 , the Habsburgs ‘ soon demonstrated that they could rule just as viciously as the Turks . ’
9 At first the going was so firm that they could travel comfortably at 50 miles per hour , but then they had to head north and traverse what is known as the Grand Sea Erg .
10 Great carts pulled by as many as six horses at a time came up the roads from the east and waited at Ridgery Butts until a party of people who wanted to cross the forest formed up so that they could travel together .
11 It enables the counsellor to remind the family that better times did once exist , and raises the prospect that they could exist again if the reasons for current difficulties can be understood .
12 There was , it seemed , nothing more that they could do here , in the face of this masterly inactivity .
13 Nonetheless , it seemed that they could do perfectly well without the aid of colour , providing they could see the general shape of the person .
14 Local councils do help to direct communities and that 's what the Sanhedrin were hoping that they could do too , they advised their communities .
15 felt that they could do more to protect themselves .
16 We then went a stage further and to share the technology established joint teams for each of these major areas , so that er the specification while it was under Dasa 's leadership , it was actually done by a joint team which involved expertise from British Aerospace and the other three and er therefore at that time the whole Eurofighter consortium was confident that they were making the best use of the available expertise across the four partner companies , each bringing to the table , their own so that they could go forward on a confident basis .
17 You might say that if this is a problem it is a problem of their own making , a problem that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day .
18 They had decided to pray to Jesus , asking that they could die too so that they could be with their Mum who they missed so much .
19 He lifted an edge so that they could look underneath , where it was criss-crossed with a lattice of deep ribs .
20 I was n't going to make the same mistake as my parents , forever denying themselves what they wanted now so that they could look forward to their retirement with complete peace of mind .
21 Because he also enjoys snooker , four years ago Marjorie took up the game , so that they could play together .
22 The pageant was so big that they could keep far apart from each other without trying .
23 In Emmerson ( reported at [ 1991 ] Crim.L.R. 194 with Commentary ) the tape had been played at trial , and the question was whether the jury were entitled to be provided with a copy of it after retiring , so that they could hear again the all-important tone of voice of the officer conducting one of the interviews .
24 In time Lawless may be confronted by an obvious dilemma , the possibility that his two heavyweights , Mason and Frank Bruno , will be tempted into profitable confrontation , the suggestion being that they could come together some time next summer .
25 He knew his father had a fair reputation as an astute businessman as well as an able geologist , and he hoped uneasily that they could deal honestly together over the money .
26 The GIST team seemed to think that they could brush aside any anxieties about the difficulties of being a woman in science by presenting a series of bright , appealing images .
27 Of the sixty-eight , only six admitted that they could weep easily and without embarrassment .
28 She thought how rough they had been with each other , how savage almost , sometimes in an odd way wanting to be done so that they could begin all over again .
29 They formed a group so that they could put forward a collective case with Ewan Veitch doing most of the research , Yuel McMurray , assisting .
30 They formed a group so that they could put forward a collective case with Ewan Veitch doing most of the research , Yuel McMurray , assisting .
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