Example sentences of "[that] they might [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Iran expressed strong reservations about some aspects of the draft , and a number of other governments , among them China , Pakistan and several Arab countries , also hinted that they might not sign the treaty , the product of 24 years of protracted negotiations which had often been deadlocked by Cold War rivalry .
2 In Holland , he reported that ‘ there are so many rooms , that each prisoner is kept separate ’ ; in Switzerland felons had a room to themselves ‘ that they might not tutor one another ’ .
3 ‘ But if you 're so over-conscientious , does n't it ever bother you about letting others look after him , that they might not do it nearly as well as you ? ’
4 Mrs Singh expressed her feelings that it was very important for all her children to speak Punjabi and she was afraid that they might not do this if she and Mr Singh spoke English .
5 threatened and awed the jurors to give a verdict for the King , and by unlawful means did surprize the county , that they might not make defence , and did use several menacing wicked speeches and actions to the jury and others , for obtaining his unjust purpose aforesaid .
6 However , there is always the risk that they might not continue to perform as well in the future and , if there were a down-turn , the size of your pension could obviously be affected .
7 To take David Lewis ' example ( D. Lewis 1973 ) , ‘ if kangaroos had no tails , they would topple over ’ ; it is of course always true that they might not topple over — they might be given crutches by a grateful and tourist-conscious government .
8 When I wrote to Dr Barnardo 's , I said that they might not approve of money from such a source but the secretary who answered the letter said he was an old Selwyn man and the more we could send him the better .
9 When she worried that they might not know when it was lunch time , he explained that when they saw his sister come back from her ride , then they would know .
10 It 's interesting that gay men on Switchboard found it much easier to accept that they did n't automatically know best for lesbians than white people on Switchboard find it to accept that they might not know best for Black people .
11 ‘ We 'd been told that they might not have a lot of clothes , but they arrived with these huge suitcases , ’ Michelle recalls .
12 This offers students an opportunity to test their knowledge and skills in the real world , at the same time as offering employers the chance to get to grips with a problem or task that they might not have the time or resources to tackle .
13 It lacked five days to Christmas , and it might be , with a good wind and a following swell , that they might not have to spend Christmas at Birsay .
14 However , these readers were students of English , which means that they were used to reading texts for tutorials that they might not have chosen to read on their own .
15 The aircraft was so silent , the atmosphere so eerie that as the medical team jumped from the ambulance they all began to fear the worst for the passengers inside — that they might not have survived the shock and impact of the crash landing .
16 Despite the fact that they might not need it , most people like a little fat spread on bread or choose to have fried food occasionally .
17 Of the 53 farmers ( 35% ) who chose evenings for the 3 hour course , 21 ( 40% ) agreed that they might not gain full benefit from an evening course and 32 ( 60% ) felt that they would gain as much as from a day time course .
18 But lets just notice two or three things in this particular interview , the first thing that we see and its so obvious is that the way of salvation is so wondrously simple , it could n't be easier , you know there are so many people who think it is hard to get saved , who think it is hard to come to Christ and to become a Christian , well the problem is you see the devil has blinded their eyes , they 've blinded the eyes of men and women , so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what is actually happened , Paul tells us in , in , in Carinthians in the first er , in to Carinthians in chapter four and verse four , he says the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of god , and there is this shroud , this covering , but the thing is god takes that away so that we can see and so its not difficult to become a Christian , it is not hard to get saved , sometimes as Christians we are guilty of making it difficult for people to become Christians , we put all sorts of rules in , we , we make them undergo various periods of er , of probation before we wer we 've were , were willing to call them Christians , remember the Philippine jailer he cried out there to the apostle Paul who was er in jail there with Silus the , the be , the tremendous earthquake and they were released all their vetoers was , were broken and the prisoners were all , could of escaped and the ja , the Philippine jailer he cries out a question that I 'm sure he does n't even know what he means when he calls it out , he 's not thinking of heaven , he 's not thinking of the future life , he 's not thinking of having his sins dealt with but he just cries out what must I do to be saved and the apostle Paul and he gets , opens the scrolls and he starts in genesis and he explains the plan of salvation and he tells him what he 's got to do and he explains all the requirements and then about three or four hours later the mans mind is completely blurred he does n't understand a word of it , its gone way beyond him
19 Well the problem is , you see , the devil has blinded their eyes , he had blinded the eyes of men and women so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what has actual happened , Paul tells us , i i in , in Corinthians in the first er , in Two Corinthians in chapter four , and verse four , he says , the God of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of God .
20 ‘ They may have decided that they might n't like the loss of privacy or would n't feel happy handling the money , ’ she says .
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