Example sentences of "[that] they [modal v] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The great danger of the proposals , I said , was not that they would fail to improve our schools , but that they would make them worse .
2 ‘ What an excellent product … its first use has prevented the bank foreclosing on a client when it seemed certain that they would wind them up ’ ( HBB Group of Chartered Accountants )
3 Not only did they enjoy , indeed relish , healthy sexual appetites , they made it obvious that they would satisfy them where and when they felt like it , on their Own terms .
4 They were n't aware the were on that they could send them messages .
5 They wanted to sacrifice the wage so that they could feel they had personally taken part in the humiliation of the local landlords .
6 They would have no direct control over such institutions except that they could pay them for particular services .
7 that wax , and erm , I mean they were , they 'd brought them in before Christmas so that they could sell 'em
8 Their relatives were overjoyed that they could see them on stage when they returned to their home town in the summer for a couple of weeks at the prestigious new Palace of Varieties .
9 They proposed to my father that he make a list of all our properties in Palestine so that they could buy them .
10 The natives were treacherous people , as everyone knew , ungodly and faithless , and their early shows of friendship were nothing but a ruse to lull the pioneers into a false feeling of security , so that they could ensnare them in their false enchantments , pounce on them unawares and kill them while they slept .
11 And of course we keep their rooms for them as long as there 's any chance at all — it 's tremendously important that they should feel they 've a home to go back to . ’
12 No the guests will not be in costume , we thought it was unfair that they should make them in costume .
13 Would it not help if the board gave a written assurance to the people who 've been complaining here that they will meet them on any occasion to discuss the problem in writing please because from Brenda it appears that it just does not happen .
14 Well , the concern is to er , punish the children in a way , that they will realise they 're going to wrong way .
15 ‘ There is nothing to stop them applying for other nights , but there is no guarantee that they will get them .
16 They wanted to do lots of different ads so that they can vary them and the public wo n't get bored . ’
17 In reality children usually start to lose interest after about two weeks once they realize that they can earn them relatively easily .
18 The ad people know that girls are watching and that they can attract them and form their ideas by making the girl associate their product with a particular image — so that when she is looking at a hair gel in a chemist 's , that will conjure up for her the image of the model used to advertise it , and make her want to look that way herself , and want to buy it .
19 If not appeased with sufficient food , the Ogres attack the adventurers if they think that they can beat them .
20 It stand out like a sore thumb sometimes when I 'm with them , I find people with handicapped children are real people , are people who are people with their children being , talking to them , instead of things that they can give them , you know .
21 Remember the the boat 's been filling with water , they 've been bailing out in desperation , after they 'd done everything that they can do they then turn round and said , Lord , do n't you care we 're gon na drown ?
22 Whereby erm we do n't end up actually doing the things for them , but we show them the way that they can do them for themselves .
23 This assumes that governments are willing to make all their objectives explicit , that they can specify them precisely , and that they are stable over time .
24 The RUC are anxious to speak to the driver of a maroon Maestro car which was close to the murder scene yesterday morning , in order that they can eliminate them from the murder investigation .
25 The incomer might not agree to any existing house rules or feel that they can ignore them because they were not party to them initially .
26 AI 's human rights education work aims to inform people of their rights so that they can defend them , and those of other people , as effectively as possible .
27 Chilean fishermen are killing thousands of some of the world 's rarest dolphins so that they can chop them up for bait to catch the southern king crab .
28 Beginners in Japlish use that sound for both ‘ l ’ and ‘ r ’ , but more advanced speakers learn to distinguish between the two so that they can get them mixed up .
29 This suits other banks because it means that they can earn interest on surplus funds , knowing at the same time that they can get them very quickly , at call , if necessary .
30 ‘ When a new assistant joins us , we put him or her with my deputy , Wendy , or with Joan , who 's a senior care assistant , so that they can follow them , be with them , be shown things at floor level .
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