Example sentences of "[that] he had been the " in BNC.

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1 At his trial for this offence , he sought the exclusion of the evidence thereby obtained on the ground that he had been the victim of an entrapment .
2 He had taken some comfort from the fact that he had been the last man to board the cage , so at least he could watch Yorky and the others exit , before his turn came .
3 Rufus could not remember the man 's name , only that he had been the second visitor to Wyvis Hall , the gardener being the first .
4 He knew that he had been the only really close friend and confidant of Modigliani from 1907 to 1914 , until they were separated by the war .
5 There were also stories circulating that he had been the beneficiary of Marian apparitions .
6 Sir John Fastolf , involved in a long drawn-out lawsuit in Paris between 1432 and 1435 , could remind the court that he had been the first to jump into the sea when Henry V had come ashore in France in 1415 , and that the king had rewarded him with the grant of the first house which he had seen in France .
7 Tutilo made no protest that he had been the one to cry murder , to invoke the law , to unloose the hunt after the murderer .
8 He was now a partner , and surely deservingly so , for there can be little doubt that he had been the " guiding light " all along .
9 How strange , Merrill reflected that evening , as her mind did a re-run of the lunchtime conversation , that she had n't felt at all bitter towards Rob when , on Saturday , she had learned that he had been the man in question .
10 Buckingham did not realise at first that he had been the only one to get over the 23rd fence at the first attempt .
11 The action arose out of a Privy Council hearing of his appeal against his dismissal from the Singapore bar following his conviction for fraud , when the Privy Council had found that he had been the victim of " grievous injustice " and expressed " deep disquiet that by a series of misjudgments [ he had ] been fined , imprisoned and publicly disgraced for offences for which [ he was ] not guilty " [ see p. 37086 ] .
12 The appeal hearing opened on May 15 , 1990 , with Demjanjuk 's lawyers arguing that he had been the victim of mistaken identity and that evidence presented at the original trial had been forged .
13 A day later he claimed that he had been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign , saying that his house had been under surveillance and that a carefully organized smear campaign had been waged against him , apparently concerning loans alleged to have been made to his petfood company several years previously .
14 He alleged that he had been the victim of a politically motivated investigation and stated that it remained his intention to seek a 16th term of office in November 1992 .
15 His comrades immediately claimed that he had been the victim of Leftist aggression and demanded retribution .
16 During preliminary police investigations into Norman Scott 's allegations that he had been the victim of a conspiracy to murder in order to protect a former lover , Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe MP , the " Daily Telegraph " obtained a scoop from a police source .
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