Example sentences of "[that] he is going to " in BNC.

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1 The assumption is about what lies behind our saying of a man , when he comes out with the sounds , ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , that he is asserting that he is going to the bank , but our not saying this of the parrot .
2 We say that the man , who utters the same sounds as the parrot , is asserting that he is going to the bank because he is a man , and not a parrot .
3 Jimmy Jessop , the glaciation expert , who is a skilled pickpocket , undoes the back buttons of Neil 's braces as they lean over a diagram together , until Neil loses his temper , and chases Jimmy round the office , shouting that he is going to bloody kill him .
4 If an accused person hears that he is going to be sentenced to one year in jail , it is argued that it would be distinctly unfair for a prosecutor to appeal .
5 ‘ I do n't think any sentence would really be appropriate but I ca n't bear the thought that he is going to be out one day , and that day is going to be sooner than I thought .
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