Example sentences of "[that] he should [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 William was more eager that he should show me some papers he had recently received by post from America .
2 He tried to persuade his friend that he should lend him some tools .
3 Having used most of it up taking shots of you , he realises that when anything happens that he should cover he 's going to look very foolish with no film in his great big camera . ’
4 But cold reality was but a split second away , and Leith went swiftly from dream world to fury that he should involve her in this sham .
5 Trent knew that he should do something .
6 Sean 's dad did not even leave his seat because he was unprepared to do anything about this problem , but he knew that he should do something about it .
7 On that same visit to Algiers Gide befriends another Arab boy , Athman , and determines that he should accompany him when he returns to Paris .
8 May 29 , 1975 The defendant solicitors issued a third party notice against the barrister whose advice they had taken , asking that he should indemnify them on the grounds that they had acted on his advice .
9 The thought occurred to him that he should give them some orders , but he could n't think of any .
10 ‘ I think it may be even more important that he should meet me .
11 She choked out Rosalba 's message , that he should meet her there , in the same place , tomorrow , that he should come , as if to light a candle , and she would be there , doing the same thing , early , before the morning Mass .
12 What could she say to him except that she felt her life — their life together — slipping away ; that whether she survived or slid wearily from her broken body , there was no longer any prospect of happiness for them ; that he should forget her and make his own world without her ?
13 It seemed shocking that he should feel he had a right to complain about being woken up when the country was on the verge of civil war .
14 When her husband returns , she first pretends that the cat has taken them , but when he does not believe this reassures him that the birds are being kept hot and that he should fetch his knife to cut them .
15 He was pleased she had n't suggested that he should fetch it .
16 It was intended that he should manage his father 's sheep ranches in Australia , but in 1886 he was articled to Charles E. Davis [ q.v. ] , city architect of Bath , where he remained until 1889 .
17 In real life , too , there was an intention ( perhaps stronger on her side than his ) that he should marry his landlady 's daughter , but nothing came of that because , on returning to Johannesburg , Herbert met Grace , who was in fact to become his first.wife and John 's mother .
18 She could see his brain struggling to find an escape route and that he should want one hurt and shocked her .
19 It is entirely typical of Pound that he should want his criticism to be immediately useful — to , as he says , ‘ the neophyte ’ .
20 I was furious that he should leave you destitute upon the world .
21 It was untenable that he should blame her for something that was not her fault .
22 It is necessary for the reader 's initiation into James 's world that he should hold his convictions in suspense , ie he should be aware that more things are hidden than have yet been shown .
23 Will the right hon. Gentleman agree that he should hold his nerve to the twin track of political progress and strong security ?
24 But he also felt that he should visit his mother .
25 Latimer pleaded for time to prepare a defence to the charges against him , but William of Wykeham insisted that he should answer them immediately .
26 If a potential investor should assume that ‘ preference ’ means that he should prefer them to the ordinary shares he would be sorely in need of professional advice .
27 I told the hon. Member for Bolton , North-East ( Mr. Thurnham ) , who first raised this matter , that he should draw it to the attention of the Serjeant at Arms , when appropriate action would be taken .
28 In the light of such reflections of opinion , stereotype reports that people ‘ with insight ’ were saying the Führer could not be aware of the extent of the damage , otherwise more extensive rescue operations would have been deployed , or that people were looking ‘ full of trust ’ to the Führer and expressing the wish that he should stir them up and strengthen their faith , have a hollow ring to them .
29 When my Cid saw that they who eat his bread were returned , he went down from the tower , and received them right well , and praised them for what they had done like good knights : howbeit he was full sorrowful for Alvar Salvadores that he should be in the hands of the Moors , but he trusted in God that he should deliver him on the morrow .
30 It was Sally 's dying wish that he should throw himself into his role as country copper Inspector Reg Wexford — and that he has done with a vengeance .
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