Example sentences of "[that] i had [vb pp] my " in BNC.

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1 That did the trick — ‘ Of course , ’ recalls the director , ‘ I did n't show him that I had cut my hand in the process . ’
2 If Robert came to you and said in his gentle , somehow caressingly placid voice that I had admitted or confessed to him in ‘ obvious distress ’ that I had pushed my penis up between the hired legs of more than one hundred and fifty tarts ( including three on one single day , or two on one single bed ) then you would probably believe him .
3 My exposure to the energy and subtle abilities of my Subud brothers in Java had so ignited my optimism and sense of wonder concerning our hidden natures that I had wangled my way into Lancaster University 's Department of Comparative Religion to write a doctorate on transformational consciousness , in a field which was later to be referred to as psycho-anthropology .
4 But it wo n't be that much because I 've been out of things for the last year and before that I had shut my eyes anyway .
5 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
6 It was the first time in years that I had blown my top in such a way , and I vowed that it would never happen again , that I would save all my aggression for the track .
7 It was favourably received and I felt that I had done my hitherto neglected ancestor proud .
8 It was Jo who first got me to see that I had done my best .
9 I was in charge of the rummage crew , and feeling that I had done my bit went to find the others .
10 In fact , I saw from the station clock that I had timed my arrival just about perfectly .
11 It was two or three days earlier that I had made my appointment , and as luck so often has it , the due day arrived to what can only be described as ‘ one of those days ’ .
12 And I would realise with a pang that I had forfeited my right to concern .
13 Knowing his passion for cycling ( on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays ) and rowing ( on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays ) , I had mentioned in my letter that I had stroked my boat , somewhat ingloriously , for two Torpids and two Summer Eights .
14 I seriously felt that I had lost my ‘ commercial sense ’ that I had before , and that I would never remember the intricacies of the High Court Rules , how to draft Court Pleadings or even how to write a sensible letter .
15 It was becoming dark and I realized that I had lost my way .
16 Outwardly it must have seemed that I had overcome my emotional difficulties and , apart from the mysterious phenomenon of my continuing thinness , had become a bright , helpful , well-adjusted member of the school .
17 ‘ You could say that I had worked my fingers to the bone for you ! ’
18 Brought down to earth with a bang , I sheepishly confessed , not yet aware that I had found my spiritual home .
19 Now that I had found my silver-grey subject I could begin filming .
20 I would not like it to be said that I had had my mother put away . ’
21 In the end I pretended to be worried that I had left my bicycle lamp on and dashed outside to relieve myself in a flower-bed .
22 So I lay naked in the rinsed airlessness of the room , waiting for She-She 's return , and wishing pretty earnestly that I had taken my chances with Moby .
23 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
24 He said that this would be unnecessary and I got the distinct impression that I should not ask any more questions about it but be content that I had got my letter back .
25 It came as a relief at this stage to find that I had got my sums right , and everything met where it ought !
26 I could not believe that I had got my first job .
27 I replied that I had watched my television all day when the first man stepped on the moon .
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