Example sentences of "[that] it would [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 GEC , Ferranti 's main British rival in radar , is also keen to mount a takeover bid but would encounter fierce Ministry of Defence opposition on the grounds that it would damage competition in electronics procurement .
2 Moreover , on July 28 Turkey announced that it would refuse permission for the use of Turkish bases to launch allied attacks against Iraq .
3 Struggling for a frame of reference , I calculate that it would contain Empire State Buildings .
4 I had no idea what having a baby would mean , only that it would make escape from Roundhay impossible .
5 That it would make life a lot happier for Manningham if he closed the deal at the price offered .
6 It was just that it would make life a little easier .
7 It has been argued that it would make sense for whoever runs the train services to also take responsibility for the track .
8 The visit , formally approved by the Japanese Cabinet on Aug. 25 , was fiercely opposed by right-wing nationalists who feared that it would involve pressure upon the Emperor to apologise to the Chinese people for Japan 's brutal military intervention in the country between 1931 and 1945 .
9 THE United Nations relief agency UNHCR said yesterday that it would send aid convoys to challenge a Serb blockade of thousands of starving Muslims trapped in eastern Bosnia .
10 The government diffused pressure to include RE in the National Curriculum by arguing that it would form part of the statutory ‘ basic curriculum ’ provided for by section 2(1) of the Act .
11 Outside the airport issue , the UK said that it would intensify consultation and co-operation over Hong Kong issues in the approach to 1997 .
12 This system will be used in deciding on future allocations of the pool and the DES has already indicated that it would expect NAB to give advice about appropriate courses and rationalization , particularly concerning those which are expensive , those which are so specialist in nature that control of student numbers is required , and those where both university and public sector provision might be unnecessary or where rationalization is desirable for other reasons .
13 He hoped that it would express disquiet at the circumstances of the Tully-West shooting and would call publicly for an independent inquiry .
14 In the emotionally charged atmosphere in which the hearings on the Freedom of Choice Bill began , its opponents ( most of whom were Republicans ) claimed that it would extend abortion rights beyond those already established by Roe v. Wade .
15 The Japanese government announced on Jan. 23 that it would extend aid worth $638,000,000 to the Philippines to support economic reforms .
16 Although China gave no guarantee that it would end missile sales , it indicated that it was " seriously considering " signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) .
17 The first was that a Labour government was going to rely on economic growth to finance its increases in public expenditure , the second was that it would ban fox-hunting .
18 On the basis of Fields 's figures , if certain guidelines were adhered to rigorously , Branson estimated that it would cost Virgin £20m a year to run the airline , but the most they stood to lose by ‘ cutting and running ’ at any time was £2m .
19 Although not a feature of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 , a major justification for the introduction of literary forfeiture legislation in the United States of America and Australia was that it would facilitate compensation for victims of crime .
20 The role of the state was to be changed so that it would offer help in the last rather than in the first resort .
21 Some of those arguing for mixed-ability teaching did so on the narrowest professional grounds that it would improve teaching and learning , obliging teachers to treat pupils as individuals each proceeding at a different pace and in a different manner .
22 Like the unit in Pembrokeshire , it has done that because it believes that it can satisfy the Secretary of State on four points : first , that such a move would show benefits for patients ; secondly , that it would improve management capability ; thirdly , that clinicians would be involved in management ; and , fourthly , that the trust has a future of financial soundness .
23 The decision clearly affected the Chief Constable 's legal right for no better reason than that it would affect pension rights .
24 Many recent immigrants perceived the government as obsessed with " the Arab threat " , while Labour had emphasised that it would shift funding from new settlements in occupied territories towards easing the plight of immigrants and the poor .
25 A leading member of the Medellín drug cartel , Fabio Ochoa , wanted by the United States authorities for drug trafficking offences and the murder of an agent of the American Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) , surrendered on Dec. 19 in what was seen as a vindication of the policy of President César Gaviria Trujillo , who had adopted legal and political methods rather than the previous military offensive against the drug cartels [ see p. 37772 for October proposals ] ; on Dec. 17 the government had said that it would waive extradition to the USA and reduce prison terms for those traffickers who surrendered and confessed to crimes .
26 When the March figure for money-supply growth was released late last week , showing year-on-year growth in its favoured monetary measure , M2 plus CDs , at a record low of 4.9% , the central bank was quick to squash any hopes that it would lower interest rates .
27 So much has been written concerning this question in recent years that it would waste space to reiterate arguments as to the moral , sociological , psychological and medical aspects of the problem .
28 On 21 September Prime Minister Clement Attlee informed Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin , then in New York , that he favoured a declaration from the United Nations that it would take responsibility for the rehabilitation of the whole country .
29 On Jan. 30 China said that it would take part in the disarmament process initiated by Bush and Yeltsin only when the USA and Russia had reduced their nuclear arsenal to " a level matching China " .
30 The Hezbollah organization announced on June 30 that it would take part in the elections , although it had not participated in any government formed since the Taif accord .
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