Example sentences of "[that] it must [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When , in 1928 , vitamin C was first isolated by Albert Szent-Györgyi his studies showed that it must be related to the hexoses , but he was not able to determine its structure .
2 Even advocates of the doctrine acknowledge that it must be exercised within defined limits , and not be allowed to serve as a facade for the furtherance of the intervening State 's own ends .
3 She told herself that it must be kept carefully , to be left out for Mrs Kettering when their stay was over , so she had put it in a compartment of her handbag .
4 " As to the fish , everyone agrees that it must be served between the soup and the meat .
5 Republicans after 1871 therefore believed , with some justification , that the country 's diplomatic service was dominated by royalist and Bonapartist influences and that it must be made more responsive to republican ideas .
6 The Government took the opposite view ; but now they have decided that it must be made high profile again . ’
7 Using the example of the work of Bourdieu , it has been argued that , although the object may be closely associated with the most fundamental and hidden aspects of socialization , this does not mean that it must be analysed only by determinant , rule-based objectivist procedures , since as an instrument of social strategy it retains a high degree of flexibility .
8 But certain elements in Washington had become convinced that a Communist cancer was spreading through the international system and that it must be met by an American policy of ‘ containment ’ .
9 You will then be in a position to feed your dog , and take it out for a walk until it has relieved itself , bearing in mind that it must be prevented from taking strenuous exercise at this stage .
10 The United States accepted a cosmetic increase in the price of gold following European insistence that it must be seen to devalue .
11 The Irish government , for its part , had insisted that it must be represented throughout any such talks on the grounds that the objective was to produce an alternative to the Anglo-Irish Agreement , to which it was a co-signatory .
12 There is no provision that a third party organisation 's assent can be presumed , but only that it must be governed by the rules of the organisation .
13 It is in reference to the nature of that proceeding that it must be determined whether there was an order made in a criminal cause or matter .
14 The desiderata for a good background at this point were that it must be perceived by the measuring instrument as significantly darker than the subject , it must be cheap and readily available , and it must be easy to mould it to the growth boxes , fix it to the wall , etc .
15 Well I think that it must be recognised that the current state of demand and supply is going to make it very difficult for most applicants , and we would be concerned to advise them not to panic unduly as a result of that , and to make their choices on the sort of rational criteria that would apply in any year .
16 Similarly , the fact that ‘ I meant you , not Jones ’ is in the past tense does not mean that it must be based on something one remembers doing .
17 Hirst and Peters explain that the confusion arises because one of the logically necessary conditions for the existence of punishment , that it must be inflicted on an offender as a consequence of a breach of rules , is closely linked to the idea that a breach of rules is a breach of discipline .
18 It conveys strain and effort ; the psychological rendering of a concentration on each separate moment and the feeling that every moment will be recoverable in memory ( perhaps strobe-like stop-motion would be more logical here , but it could provoke laughter or distraction , a break in concentration on the story ) ; and finally the suggestion that the action is so rapid that it must be slowed down so that it can be perceived at all .
19 Without its even being necessary to resolve the question of the hierarchy of legislation which is implicit in this argument , I consider that it must be rejected , since even though according to the Preamble to the Geneva Convention of 1958 its provisions are ‘ generally declaratory of established principles of international law , ’ I do not consider the United Kingdom 's statement to be well founded .
20 Another argument used by those who favour restricting public expenditure is that it must be cut in order to limit the growth of money supply and to curb inflation .
21 Remember when cutting the stock material that it must be turned over after each cut to obtain the correct angles on each segment .
22 As suggested by one formidable opponent of the views in question ( also the author of the objection having to do with understanding Chinese ) we do not so understand consciousness that we can believe that it must be possessed by a set of water pipes , paper clips , and old beer cans , provided that they instantiate a certain programme .
23 In calculating the amount of Housing Benefit , regulations stipulate that it must be assumed that the student is in receipt of the full grant .
24 His article is particularly valuable for the evidence which he adduces from contemporary documents , some of which is of considerable importance in helping to determine the facts of Molla Fenari 's life ; but much of what he says is , as will be shown , based on so little genuine historical evidence ( insofar as this can be judged from the sources he quotes ) and appears so speculative that it must be treated with some caution .
25 Thus it is clear that if the change is a realistic one and the company is justifiably convinced that it must be imposed , you will be extremely vulnerable if you do not fall in line .
26 The driving force was Charles Louis Fouquet Belleisle , Duc de Belleisle and Marshal of France , a soldier of vast experience who , reported one British agent on 26 January 1756 , ‘ told a friend of mine that it must be attempted , though [ i.e. even if ] they were sure to lose all the troops and vessels of the expedition . ’
27 It was n't simply that he was managing to smile with his mouth full — a difficult enough task at the best of times — it was that his smile expressed so many real , positive qualities that it must be designed to sell something .
28 What is beyond question is that it must be carried round as extra pounds .
29 This means that it must be growing in area and that , consequently , the total area of all the other plates must be declining if the ‘ constant area ’ assumption of plate tectonics is to be satisfied .
30 An engineer 's report had condemned the spire as dangerous and said that it must be dismantled .
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