Example sentences of "[that] it [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 I think , I think the problem with this act in my view is that it would 've been one thing to say to people , right from here on in , we 're going to do it like this .
2 But , while he is of Le Patron Mange Ici school ( which always used to be the sign of a good restaurant ) , I ca n't see that it would have been particularly good for business here .
3 If the bias we have detected in broadcasting was not obvious to media specialists we can hardly expect that it would have been obvious to the general public .
4 The words were said with such good humour and aggressive sureness that it would have been impossible to take offence .
5 On reflection , the owner felt that it would have been better adopt the traditional method of ‘ tanking ’ the semi-basement lower floor with in situ asphalt .
6 He nevertheless maintained that it would have been irresponsible of him to have gone forward without warning colleagues of his reservations .
7 The thought crept into him that it would have been better if there had have been trees outside .
8 As the volume of water required for lockage of the existing traffic was 1,000,000 cubic feet only , it is obvious that it would have been more effective in the saving of water to reduce leakage rather than to concentrate on reducing the passage of water through locks — and much cheaper .
9 Poulter argues that it would have been inappropriate to have given all the principal religious traditions represented in Great Britain equal weight in the RE syllabus , since it would leave Christianity being reflected in just one-sixth of the course .
10 The fact that it would have been tricky to die on a hill with more people around than at a Harrods sale , unless I 'd packed a gun and some razor blades , was irrelevant .
11 The invention of the mechanical clock probably occurred after 1277 , since if it had occurred earlier it is almost certain that it would have been included in Volume IV of the Libros del saber de astronomica .
12 He is saying that it would have been unlawful to honour the patient 's request , even if he had been willing to do so .
13 I personally do believe that it would have been much better if ministers had had a number of discussions about the Falkland Islands in the period preceding the invasion of the Falklands by the Argentinians .
14 Before he died in 1811 , an opium-addicted pauper in Marylebone Workhouse , he may have reflected that it would have been better had he never left the low-lying fields of Huntspill .
15 Our respective manners proved so widely different , that it would have been quite presumptuous in me to do anything but separate from an undertaking upon which I could only have been a clog . ’
16 Everything was very hush-hush , and it was not until it was over that the name of the target was made common knowledge — not that it would have been of any interest to us if we had known beforehand , because none of us had ever heard of it .
17 It is extremely difficult to tame and its shyness , combined with its great ferocity when cornered , suggests that it would have been troublesome for early man to domesticate .
18 Still , he enjoyed the chairmanship and gets very cross if anyone suggests that it would have been difficult for anyone to have thrown away a Tory victory in post-Falklands Britain with a Labour Party led by Michael Foot .
19 She was so out of it that it would have been like making it with a corpse .
20 She would like to have asked them , but knew that it would have been impossibly presumptuous .
21 The deed was to him so monstrous , so surprising , that it would have been intolerable not to have shared it with a living soul .
22 If the clause had been drafted in narrower terms , covering only clients of that branch , then , the judges said : ‘ There is little doubt that it would have been valid . ’
23 The costs and risks involved indicated that it would have been very difficult to convince investors to invest in the generating company National Power if it had been responsible for the nuclear power stations , even though it had been given control of the majority of the generating capacity in order to compensate for this .
24 By now the fog had lifted , but it was so dark that it would have been futile to return to the scene of the mysterious train to discover for themselves any clues as to its reality or otherwise .
25 There was so much rubbish and broken glass littered about anyway that it would have been difficult for anyone to climb out without making a lot of noise .
26 Mark himself states that it would have been remarkable for Jesus to have found fruit on the tree for it was not even the proper season for fruit .
27 This is a good argument as it stands but one can well imagine that it would have been pressed in terms of these hopefuls having a right to be paid if they succeeded .
28 He had rightly judged that it would have been unwise for him to associate himself with the movement of the Earl of Lancaster or with Rent 's conspiracy .
29 Critics of the deal , which was worked out at ministerial level , say that it would have been more sensible to spend the money on rebuilding the Villahermosa Palace to be an annexe for the nearby Prado , which is urgently in need of more space , as well as the kind of modern facilities which have ‘ put the Villahermosa among the ranks of intelligent buildings and the top museums of the Nineties ’ , as the press release boasts .
30 Had we had her account available our guess is that it would have been expressed in such a way as to suggest a quite different kind of story , where personal rather than biological matters were at issue .
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