Example sentences of "[that] [indef pn] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of October , Kathy , who had again been invited for supper , arrived at Clare 's apartment to find that nothing had been cooked .
2 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
3 His village was at the upper end of the valley in which the woman of Lohali had been killed the previous week , and he told me that nothing had been heard of the man-eater since , and added that the animal was possibly now at the other end of the district .
4 He appealed for leniency on the grounds that nothing had been touched .
5 Yet I discovered that nothing had been disturbed . ’
6 There had been no word from Steve or Maria Lisa and though there was no time element concerned with this contract she was still a little worried that nothing had been accomplished with the airlines and tourist board in Palma .
7 Once we 'd established that nothing had been left behind Emily went off to catch a bus and I decided that no one would mind if I popped my head round the doors of the suite of rooms which George had occupied .
8 He wanted to make certain for himself that nothing had been overlooked .
9 He replied that nothing had been put forward concerning a trust .
10 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
11 The Poles took the matter seriously , but the League of Nations , saying that no-one had been hurt and perhaps the revolver had not been loaded , took no action .
12 The shelling had stopped now and it was certain that someone had been killed or wounded , maybe the chap in the next slit trench a few feet away .
13 There was an almost audible sigh of relief around the world that someone had been caught tampering with the dictionary .
14 A Scotland Yard spokesman said no disciplinary action had been taken against any officers and that nobody had been suspended .
15 He still had intonation problems , but his ‘ Asile hereditaire ’ aria was at last all that one had been led to expect , and he was mightily impressive in the Act II trio with Yurisich and Roderick Kennedy as Furst .
16 To be seriously concerned with this field was to expose oneself to the possibility of ridicule when it turned out that one had been deceived by a clever confidence trickster ; at best it led to controversy , to results which were suggestive rather than conclusive , and away from those straightforward and answerable questions which since Galileo 's time had been the essence of scientific research .
17 ‘ I thought that one had been settled .
18 Rumours of such ‘ snuff ’ movies had been carefully fostered in the New York Press with accounts of private screenings at Mafia parties , and when it was claimed that one had been acquired for public exhibition , it was advertised with the slogan : ‘ Blood Money , the film that could only be made in South America … where Life is CHEAP ! ’
19 The driver was apparently unfamiliar with the area , and the need to call directions forward made questions and conversation impossible ; the only responses he could get were Langstone , a promise of explanations later , and another reassurance that everything had been cleared through his office .
20 The last comment was obviously wrong , although there remained a rather threadbare conviction that something had been achieved .
21 No indication that anyone had been killed in it or done anything else in it but sit in it .
22 It said that human exposure to the gases were below government limits and there was no evidence that anyone had been harmed by them .
23 Everything was in disorder , but I could not see that anything had been taken .
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