Example sentences of "[that] [Wh det] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It attempts to clarify some of the confusion I pointed out between that which is called for by law and ethics and what doctors and patients in practice , think is called for .
2 On 1 March he published his intention of inviolably observing the Charter of the Forest in all its articles : he appointed four commissioners to supervise the making in each forest county of ‘ a true perambulation , namely that which was made in the time of the lord King Henry our father , which has not yet been challenged ’ .
3 The general maxim of the law is that what is annexed to the land becomes part of the land .
4 It is also , very importantly , of two kinds : short term and long term ; so that what is recalled in the short term ( the classic example is a string of numbers ) may fade rapidly from the memory , while other elements of the communication , which are not so easy to recall immediately , stay in the mind long afterwards .
5 There is a risk that what is intended to be an aid only during training can become an undesirable crutch in that performance comes to depend on it but this is rare and can be avoided by using a suitable time delay , thus ensuring that it is really learning and not action feedback .
6 In addition , we ordinarily assume that what is stated on one occasion may be identical with what is stated on a different occasion , even though its truth-value might change .
7 The fact that what is seen as crime varies with different societies does not affect the definition of crime — as an act which breaks the criminal law of the particular society .
8 Despite the serious limitations to a general theory equating anomaly and mystical danger , there is respectable if sometimes ambiguous psychological evidence that what is perceived to be unclassifiable ( and this is perhaps the crucial thing ) is cognitively and emotionally disturbing .
9 For the DPP Miss Goddard said that mere delay is not capable of being an abuse of the process unless the delay is so great that what is sought by the Crown is no longer the vindication of justice but amounts to oppression or harassment of a defendant .
10 Throughout the Plowden Report runs the assumption that what is taught in schools ( ie what we , the adults expect children to learn ) must relate to where the child is ( intellectually , social , emotionally ) rather than to where we think the child ought to be .
11 But those long in the tooth in analysing IRA intentions well know that what is threatened in their terrorist statements is not necessarily what is planned to happen in the days ahead .
12 Will the Home Secretary expedite his consideration and either grant a posthumous pardon or at least instigate a public inquiry , so that what is regarded as the greatest injustice of our post-war criminal justice system left unremedied will be put right before the last member of the Bentley family dies without knowing the result ?
13 Not only will the ranks of its future membership suffer , but the impression will be conveyed that what is done in church is For Adults Only .
14 Similarly , the recognition that what is said about Jesus in the New Testament is the expression of faith in him , and that this side of the matter , though not the only one , can not be left out of account , has also become a basic axiom of much modern New Testament study .
15 The certified cause of death is of considerable importance because it is the usual end-point for epidemiological studies of ischaemic heart disease , and epidemiologists often assume that what is recorded on the death certificate is the cause of death .
16 This edge is largely due to its WYSIWYG ( what you see is what you get ) output capabilities , which ensure that what is sent to the printer corresponds exactly with what is displayed on the screen .
17 Kean has proposed that what is omitted in spontaneous speech are the elements of sentences which are unstressed — commonly , prefixes , suffixes and function words .
18 Perhaps it oversimplifies the situation to treat these as two quite different uses of such expressions as ‘ I believe that seems , rather , that it is built into the meaning of ‘ I believe that … ’ that it hovers between expressing tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , and expressing belief or awareness that the speaker believes that it is so .
19 For our purposes , however , no harm will be done if we distinguish two uses of ‘ I believe that … ’ . one in which it expresses the tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , the other in which it expresses the belief or awareness that the speaker has the belief .
20 They ignore that what is learned at Highlander is usually tested in real life , and under the eye of unrelenting opponents , not in the classroom under the eye of a tutor . ’
21 All the accounts of latent inhibition discussed so far have assumed that what is learned during pre-exposure interferes with the formation of the CS-US association .
22 But in this cases it is necessary to assume the opposite in order to explain the results — to assume that what is learned during pre-exposure interferes less after 21 days than after one day .
23 Blinkered and self-serving as this picture may appear ( it entirely ignores the gains which the USSR has achieved through war ) , it will be clear on reflection that what is meant by ‘ peace ’ is conflict without war : or , to invert these terms , ‘ a form of warfare which permits the settlement of unavoidable clashes between Socialism and Capitalism without having recourse to general armed conflict , ( author 's italics ) .
24 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
25 I think that what is needed for the Greater York area is a comparative assessment of the landscape quality and that the criterion should indicate that the settlement should avoid areas of significant landscape value .
26 I am convinced that what is needed in initial teacher education is not just to instil respect for a particular form of academic learning .
27 The authors suggest that what is learnt from lucid elderly people should have direct relevance for those who are confused ( p. 4 ) but this theme is not developed in any way .
28 The 1974 Labour Government insisted that what are known as long-term benefits , such as old-age pensions and invalidity benefit , should increase in line with prices or earnings , whichever was the more advantageous for the claimants .
29 England are conscious that what was planned as a dress rehearsal for the finals next summer now threatens to be the closest they get .
30 ‘ It most certainly is my view that what was done with these people was a political decision , a decision of high command . ’
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