Example sentences of "[that] [is] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is an arid , fragile environment that is easily damaged by the mechanical impact of motorcycle tyres and according to Luckenbach ( 1975 , quoted in Edington and Edington 1986 ) the ‘ Hare and Hounds ’ race has resulted in the destruction of some 140 000 creosote bushes ( Larrea divaricata ) , 64 000 burro-bushes ( Franseria dumosa ) and 15 000 Mojave yuccas ( Yucca schidigera ) due to mechanical impact and the exposure of plant roots by subsequent soil erosion .
2 As we have seen , this is a crucial part of the mountain goat 's annual cycle and one that is easily disrupted by hunting .
3 This presumably reflects a relatively weak interaction of P100 with CREB that is easily perturbed under blotting conditions .
4 The saturated fat in a diet , more importantly , stimulates the liver to produce more cholesterol in a form that is easily deposited onto the linings of the arteries .
5 But for /Ε/ , the short variant can be a low vowel ( [ a , ae ] ) and the long variant is a mid vowel that is easily heard to be qualitatively distinct .
6 Their impact comes from layers of muted colour and a newly chic sloppiness that is easily imitated by donning any jacket far too big for you .
7 When we see the sun , he says , the ‘ immediate object ’ of our perceiving mind is not the sun itself ‘ but something that is intimately joined to our soul , … an idea ’ .
8 A stimulus that is reliably followed by a given consequence ( whether this be a US or no event at all ) can be ignored .
9 Hence the words of an Act carry a sort of disembodied or dehumanised meaning : not necessarily the meaning intended by any actual person in particular , but the meaning that is conventionally attached to such words .
10 That 's the kind of financial juggling that is desperately needed by Bradford .
11 It is the kind of good , intelligent paternalism that is urgently needed in our education system .
12 In no circumstances whatsoever will there be any admission that the real basic cause of the failure is the one that is most feared to be true .
13 The A.C. is also to share a relevant simple story that is clearly related to the goal .
14 In answering the question posed by the preliminary issue in this case affirmatively I believe that I am doing no more than giving the answer that is clearly called for by application of the common law principles of the law of negligence .
15 An OTC dealer loyally argued against him with a vigour that is rarely seen in a university environment .
16 The informal petty bourgeoisie is a term that is rarely found in attempts to outline class structure in Latin America , but Portes ' usage refers to small-scale entrepreneurs , who have similar characteristics in the class analysis to the dominant class , but who operate at a very different level and have a somewhat precarious existence .
17 But it 's a rich and cautious side that is weirdly contradicted by a fierce self-belief and a currently all-enveloping passion for his band , a real do-or-die enthusiasm that 's frustratingly absent from so many .
18 I think that the bill which we first saw may well not be the bill that is eventually produced at the end of the day .
19 This lays the groundwork for another great factor that is frequently ignored at great expense : because women must have these psychological or romantic preconditions met before they can enter fully into sexual relations , they take a lot longer to ‘ warm up ’ .
20 The link between what are referred to as ‘ sexual anarchists ’ ( for example , David Tribe of the National Secular Society ) and ‘ political anarchists ’ ( for example , the publishers of the LRSB ) is one that is frequently made in Mrs Whitehouse 's writings .
21 MD 's principal product is methylphenidate , a niche drug used to treat attention deficit disorder in children ( a condition that is barely recognised in the UK ) .
22 He had an exalted idea of history that is well illustrated by his claim ( Annals , iii .
23 Another of my themes that is well illustrated by the Nayar material is that the structure of society consists of a network of implicit rights and obligations which link together not only individuals ( considered as social persons ) but also larger groups such as households and village communities .
24 This review operation is one that is well suited to the diagnostic and interpretive skills of the auditor , particularly since there are financial implications , which always have a bearing on overall financial strategy , in all government activities .
25 The Secretary of State has said that he wants a national health service that is well informed of people 's needs and preferences .
26 Note that the target must be an infantry or cavalry Mob of the kind that has to take an Animosity test itself — not a chariot , war engine , etc and not a Mob that is already engaged with the enemy .
27 ENGLAND tomorrow will unveil a lavish £4.5 million plan to stage cricket 's sixth World Cup that is already doomed to failure .
28 The crucial difference between economic growth and development , as I am using the term here , is that development may include everything that is already included in economic growth plus criteria of distribution of the social product and democratic politics .
29 In this respect , a noun that is strongly related to a particular domain will have much useful information in its definition ( e.g. ’ mortgage ’ , ’ account ’ and ’ payment ’ are all strongly related to finance ) .
30 Now in terms of Harrogate for example that is largely focused on erm on the office commercial sector .
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