Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] be use for " in BNC.

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1 Ideally it should have plenty of hiding places — rocks , pots , and bogwood — plus flat stones that may be used for spawning .
2 It may be useful at this point to suggest , following Halliday and Hasan , that there is a continuum of cohesive elements that may be used for referring back to an entity already mentioned in the discourse .
3 These are techniques that may be used for longer term forecasting , perhaps for periods of two or more years ahead .
4 There is also disagreement on the method that should be used for frost testing , with the British representatives pressing hard for the most rigorous system .
5 Examples of strategic variables that might be used for entry deterrence include physical capital investment or R&D to reduce costs , pre-emptive patenting , and manipulation of demand conditions by advertising or brand proliferation ( for a sceptical analysis see Smiley , 1988 ) .
6 Those with a second home should pay at least double the community charge for the area , then they would be making some recompense for taking up properties that could be used for people who need them .
7 There was nothing that could be used for a cradle so obviously she intended keeping it in bed with her , but Sarah had heard tales of babies being smothered like that and she was surprisingly anxious that her newly expected brother or sister would n't end up that way .
8 But his claim to be able to represent the three major philosophical schools of the Vedānta does not prevent him from regarding Truth ( Satya ) as the most correct and most fully significant term that could be used for God .
9 I would be willing to pay for any books or copies or , if anyone has an old machine that could be used for spares , I am desperate for these bits .
10 ‘ It is absolutely staggering that while the Ministry of Defence was deploying soldiers in the Gulf , the Department of Trade and Industry was allowing British companies to supply equipment that could be used for munitions to the enemy , ’ he said .
11 The two are aiming to develop three demonstrators for advanced pattern recognition systems that could be used for data analysis .
12 The only thing I like about him is the feeling that there is something there that could be used for good if it could be got at .
13 Basically erm I agree with what you say but that the County Council itself of course is a landowner of erm some quite attractive erm areas of land that could be used for below cost housing , but the problem in the past has been that they always had to sell erm at the market price .
14 One surprise measure in the Budget was the freeze on the ‘ earnings cap ’ which was introduced in the 1989 Budget to restrict the amount of salary that could be used for pension contributions for high earners .
15 Later , under Jakobson , the idea emerged of a set of features that could be used for every language , and a set of about twelve such features was proposed in Jakobson et al.
16 Jacques Devraux and his son were waiting beside a baggage truck that was already loaded with the rest of their hunting equipment , and leaving their sons to stand watch , the two men disappeared into the shadowy interior of the market to haggle over a purchase of several hundred pounds of salt and arsenical soap that would be used for drying and preserving the hides of animals they hoped to shoot .
17 As yet , no definitive decision has been made as to the microkernel that will be used for new versions of OS/2 , though developers are known to be working with the Carnegie-Mellon University 's Mach 3 microkernel ; in addition , there is the possibility that IBM might use the NT kernel — ‘ we could use the NT microkernel if we wanted to ’ , it said .
18 ‘ But as you so clearly realize , scientists have many times created tools that can be used for good , but which have then been perverted to evil use .
19 The first stage in cultivation involves forest clearance ( though particular tree species which are valuable for timber are usually spared ) and as annual crop plants such as manioc ( Manihot esculenta ) and maize ( Zea mays ) are cultivated , perennial species such as pineapple ( Ananas comosus ) and banana ( Musa spp. ) are planted along with numerous other fruit trees , palms and shrubs that can be used for a variety of purposes from thatching to dyes and medicines .
20 These latter are the agglomerated , and subsequently dried , cells of single-celled microorganisms like algae , yeasts , fungi and certain bacteria which can be cultivated on a large industrial-scale basis for the production of protein that can be used for either human or animal consumption .
21 In the case of the Open University it is obviously worthwhile to produce well-designed audio-visual material that can be used for teaching thousands of students .
22 The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making .
23 In mild cases of dehydration , there are mixtures of salts that can be used for ORT at home .
24 The number of flowers that can be used for the golden theme is quite large : you could choose something very simple , such as a small spray of yellow roses with a few of their own leaves and buds , or something more complicated , such as a mixture of yellow roses , mimosa , potentillas and narcissi , with a few primroses and primulas to give extra detail .
25 It is a method of behaviour control that can be used for most forms of behaviour management except where the children are being destructive or likely to hurt someone else or themselves .
26 Our perception of spermatozoa was changed forever by Woody Allen 's impersonation of one in Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex , and University of Pennsylvania are giving substance to his fantasies , putting the poor little tadpoles through an arduous obstacle course to step up the process of survival of the fittest : according to Prodigy Services Co , the mad scientists have created a new class of silicon chip that can be used for analyzing sperm samples and providing a venue for fertilisation ; the technology uses microscopic obstacle courses inside a silicon wafer to weed out unhealthy sperm , and has been used successfully to fertilise a mouse egg ; the chips are etched with a virtual theme park of twisting channels , forests of columns , and other features designed to ensure only the strongest of sperm reach their goal , with some passages so small that only a single cell can pass ; the researchers have not yet applied for approval to test human fertilisation using the chip , but say that could happen within the next 12 months — Brave New World , or the embodiment of virtual sex .
27 Household items that can be used for media include plastic pan scrubbers , and car or bath sponges .
28 ‘ Video is possibly the most versatile and cost-effective medium that can be used for development communication , extension and training , ’ says Matthijs de Vreede in his book Video for Development .
29 On the back of information collected for patient care will come aggregated information that can be used for resource management , budgeting , audit , and research on outcomes .
30 Both of these are battery powered with interchangeable heads that can be used for filing and buffing nails .
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