Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Judith is also in show biz so the irony is that after years of getting home at three in the morning we 'll get the kids to bed and then be in bed early on .
2 If , however , the truth is that after years of struggling with her uncertain temperament , and your own fading nerves , you have decided to breed rather than face parting with her , then it is not a good idea .
3 Either way , the point is that after years of seeing relatively little of each other , retirement suddenly creates the possibility of much more togetherness .
4 That means that after years of scrimping and saving at Charlton Lawrence should enjoy the luxury of preparing for the big time with money to spend .
5 What is , however , a matter of concern is that within days of receiving and failing to reply to that letter , on 23 October 1991 , the local authority moved the children from the family friends with whom they had lived since 17 July 1991 and placed them with foster parents .
6 Of land on the registers he says hopefully , ‘ it 's possible that in areas with planning restrictions , planning permission might be given more readily in order for it to be cleaned up as part of development ’ .
7 The fact of the matter is that in terms of setting up some kind of economic common market , much of the groundwork had already been done .
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