Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of any data on assimilation the DES ( 1984b ) fitted two models — No Assimilation and Full Assimilation — and prefer the former on the grounds that for males it appeared to fit the experience of the past ten years rather better .
2 When I asked him once whether his FI career had really mattered to him that much , he answered characteristically that of course it had , but that he enjoyed racing in any form , and of all the forms of racing he enjoyed winning best : ‘ I win more over here , ’ he said , adding with a characteristic grin , ‘ and it 's easier . ’
3 It was imagined that like lizards it went on all fours ; bones were mounted this way in museums , and at the Great Exhibition of 1851 hollow model dinosaurs were made to entertain the public .
4 They were astonished to hear that in Britain it costs more than £3 to go to the cinema ( a Filipino obsession ) , when it costs only 3p in Dapitan , and to learn that teenage girls in Britain could go on a date with their boyfriends without a chaperone ; something disapproved of on Mindanao ) .
5 He said the emphasis on staff training meant that in May it expected to gain the prestigious BS5750 award for the quality of care it provides .
6 Well in fact we we do answer that point in our submissions that in fact it does take in Our three year average does take into account the tail end of the boom .
7 Yes coun councillor I can advise you that in fact it did cost considerably in excess of two pounds fifty , it cost four pounds and sixty one pence each .
8 Was the Falklands element in that committee and its back-up staff so peripheral , so much of a backburner issue , that in fact it gives a false impression of it ?
9 If the economic and social structure of our community develops in such a way that in retrospect it seems a conventionalist strategy would have been more suitable , then pragmatism will already have brought the reigning pattern of adjudication very close to conventionalism .
10 He also involved a religious foundation — the Charterhouse — in his scheme ( although it appears that in practice it played little part ) and wanted his Master to be a Scholar of Eton or of Winchester ( if such could be found ) and to be appointed on the recommendation of the Provosts of Eton College and of King 's College , Cambridge .
11 Whatever one 's interpretation of these events , however , attempts to explain away the chronological oddity of the attack on Hastings should not be allowed to obscure the fact that in practice it did not stop Richard taking control of the duke of York .
12 Whatever one 's interpretation of these events , however , attempts to explain away the chronological oddity of the attack on Hastings should not be allowed to obscure the fact that in practice it did not stop Richard taking control of the duke of York .
13 Criticism of the phenomenological approach to RE was given in Chapter 4 , particularly on the grounds that in practice it tends to lose touch with much of the religion it sets out to understand and include .
14 The word for ‘ make intercession ’ is the same in Hebrews 7:25 as in Romans 8:26 ; except that in Romans it has a prefix which indicates intensity , or , perhaps , stresses that it is done for us .
15 It seems probable that the Atlantic trade mobilised capital far more effectively , and equally probable that in aggregate it did so to a greater extent , if the East India Company 's heavy non-trading interests are first discounted .
16 His thick white hair was cut short and unevenly , so that in parts it stood up in clumps .
17 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
18 I am not sure that on record it makes all that much difference to have 24 baroque oboes , as here , instead of 12 or so , but the sound of so many along with 12 bassoons , nine trumpets , nine trumpets and four sets of timpani is mightily impressive , and the more attractive for a rhythmic bounce .
19 Einzig was so frequently seen in Minton 's company that to outsiders it seemed as if she became his other half .
20 The old stone walls closed about her , so that at times it seemed to be suffocatingly hot , and she found herself putting up a hand to her throat .
21 He said that at times it appeared that the only effective opposition to what was becoming a single-party government was from the press .
22 ‘ Well , I wo n't deny that at times it 's been a murderously pressurised position to be in , ’ Guy admits , ‘ and it 's been very difficult for the other group members .
23 Diana daubed luminous paint on the eyes of her cuddly green hippo so that at night it seemed as though he was keeping watch and looking after her .
24 The consortium warns however that at present it lacks the finances to shift the project into a full-scale development phase .
25 Henry Elstone , finance director , summed it up yesterday when he declared that at £61m it had been a bargain .
26 In particular , the government claimed that by mid-January it had recaptured the towns of Debre Tabor ( in Gondar ) and Mehal Meda , Jihur and Rabel ( in Shoa ) .
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