Example sentences of "[that] [subord] i [was/were] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You will remember that although I was born a vicar 's daughter , I have seen quite a different level of life since then .
2 and I should warn you that once I was asked to go to a , a series of lectures in a certain cathedral on the seven deadly sins , because the Canon who invited me said he wanted a married man who was good on lust !
3 I remember absolutely one hundred percent doing that , and I have to say that if I was faced with a similar situation again of a naked man , I really do n't know if I 'd bother to put his trousers on .
4 ‘ I said that if I was turfed out by the trade union vote I would see Neil Kinnock and we would then both issue a statement afterwards , ’ he said .
5 He 'd said that if I was asked about it , I should act surprised and say it was nothing to do with me .
6 ‘ I can assure you , ’ he told Tom Driberg , ‘ that if I was left as free a hand in French Indochina and the Netherlands East Indies as I was left in Burma , I could solve both these problems by the same methods ; though it is heartbreaking to have to leave the political control to other nations when we are really in military control . ’
7 told that it has changed , but at that time , and I know my feeling was left that if I was raped I would n't never go to the police .
8 My responsibilities vanished but I think they suspected that if I were sacked there would be a public fuss so they had to proceed by stealth .
9 I said that unless I was picked for the final leg I would n't run .
10 Then the other argument as I can see is that they 've led me to believe , I don I know you said that it 's automatic twelve month ban , but we just accepted that because I was led to believe that my job was safe .
11 er er er Well it can be but it c er er er er er I found it very helpful when I discovered that after I was saved .
12 So it was that when I was asked to contribute an account of Elizabeth Taylor 's novels to a book of reference I remembered these words and wrote that her motive power was Love : ‘ Not the love that is a four-letter word , nor yet anything so theoretical as Christian charity , but most certainly a great virtue . ’
13 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
14 You know the thing is I feel that when I was tried to get the theatre board and I have contacted various people on the board I have never been listened to .
15 ‘ They 'd told me that as I was caught in civilian clothes I was going to be treated as a spy , and every time I heard those shots I thought ‘ My turn tomorrow ’ . '
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