Example sentences of "[that] [subord] [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
2 They then said to their Dad that although they missed their Mum very much indeed , they were beginning to see that their Dad needed them around to have people to talk to about their Mum , and so now they were asking Jesus to make sure nothing else awful happened .
3 Rumour had it that although he made his home in an unoccupied derelict house near the CPR docks , he was really very wealthy , having buried his family fortune long ago and quite forgotten where he had left it .
4 Dexter decided that although he understood her predicament , he no longer warmed to her either .
5 John Nutting , prosecuting , said that although he said nothing to detectives after his arrest , with a lock knife in his hand , they later found a chilling message daubed on his police cell wall .
6 When in April 1949 Mary Trevelyan had written a letter in which she explained her feelings for him , and in fact suggested marriage , he explained in his reply that although he valued her friendship he was no longer capable of reciprocating such feelings for anyone .
7 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
8 My mother has said many times in our adult life that although she loved our father and should have stood by him , as far as Richard was concerned , ‘ she could not help herself ’ .
9 Even before they closed the mine we knew that once they retired my husband we 'd have to move .
10 Yet his new biographer , Andrew Roberts , demonstrates ( with the aid of much newly-available archive material ) that once he realised his hopes of avoiding war by being nice to Hitler were doomed and dangerous , Halifax was just as relentless in his anti-appeasement stance .
11 Alternatively , the joyous sound of bells may be ringing out the tune of 'Those beautiful red roses that once you gave me ’ , all over sunlit uplands — though I doubt that .
12 But remember , Isabel , if you dislike your present position , that once I offered you honourable marriage .
13 Do n't need that cos I got my two
14 I got Optrex in my room but I bought that cos I used it so much .
15 ‘ Look Katie , your job is your business , I admit that until I met you I did n't have a lot of time for the police .
16 run it out there and run it off that until it touched something .
17 It may be we are afraid that if they understood our needs they might use that information in some way to exploit us .
18 I have no doubt that if they owned their council house they would now be very busily selling and buying and selling and buying .
19 He looked at my work and said I had talent , but that I needed " earnest practice in drawing " , to which I wholly agree : He also said he would be glad to take me as his " chela " but that my name and work must go before the council of professors of the Academy , which meets next Thursday , 17th inst. and that if they accepted me I could start work on the following Monday , 21st inst .
20 This meant that they would n't be back before the pubs closed , but I also knew that if they knew who I was going out with they would have locked me in .
21 I 'm sure that if they saw you cry , I swear to God if they saw you crying things would be slightly different .
22 Gotrek claimed that if they wished they could come to Karaz-a-Karak with an army and plead for its return .
23 One particularly successful firm said that LEDU officials suggested that they relocate in Antrim , and that if they did they would be open to considerably more funding .
24 I stayed still , hoping desperately that they would not see me , for I knew that if they did they would lose no time in tormenting me and finally killing me .
25 The questions maybe that if they did what was reasonable , did they carry it out in a reasonable way .
26 The lawyers commented that the Minister was giving detainees the message that if they wanted their demand for freedom to be taken seriously they had to go on hunger strike and become very ill .
27 Before they started , he had warned his people on this , pointing out that if they allowed themselves to be delayed , they themselves would be in grave danger of being ridden down by their own fellows on the return charge .
28 After the case was adjourned , the couple said that if they lost their home , they 'd lose their livelihood too .
29 Her involvement in many issues prompted Bill Clinton to tell people during the early Democratic primaries that if they elected him , they would get Hillary too .
30 Ken 's method on such occasions was to raise his voice — on the theory that if nobody recognized his face , they would n't fail to relate to the sounds he was making , the variety of Kenneth Williams voices , alternately cockney , Oxford and the sing-song that went with most of his radio characters .
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