Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Thus Regulation 418/85 provides exemption for R&D agreements from the effects of Article 85 , making it clear that exemptions only apply to agreements that do not extend to joint marketing and selling .
2 Egalitarian feminist psychology tends to neglect gender issues that do not relate to traditional psychological interest .
3 This is the reason we can have solid bodies that do not collapse to a point or radiate away to infinity .
4 Alternatively , transcription of C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β may be induced by other factors that do not belong to the C/EBP-family .
5 Opinions that do not claim to be a statement of fact are therefore not covered by this principle .
6 Condition is relatively immaterial , as those that do not appeal to collectors are often bought by visitors who can not afford the full price of an up to date guide .
7 In fact , there are relatively few morphological , physiological or behavioural characteristics that do not differ to some extent between males and females ( see Glucksman , 1974 ) and the extent of these differences varies widely between species .
8 First , we can present descriptions and interpretations of societies that do not conform to the Western model of humans as essentially aggressive .
9 in word processing or desktop publishing this is a store of pre-hyphenated words that do not conform to the usual rules contained in the hyphenation and justification program ( H&J ) .
10 The other issue of robustness is how to deal with sentences that do not conform to the grammar .
11 When you have dealt with this , write ( say ) B v. C , referring back to your previous answer for any points that do not need to be repeated .
12 What need not be registered There are a range of charges that do not need to be registered .
13 Items that do not respond to immediate cleaning are placed in to soak , rather than holding up progress , and dealt with later during slack times or at the end of a session .
14 For example , Vl has colour-coding cells that do not respond to white light .
15 It avoids the psychological pitfalls of some appraisal systems that do not stick to this safe ground for discussion .
16 The Mickey Mouse figures on CTC expenditure that critics in Bradford tend to use compare capital expenditure on schools starting from scratch with that for existing schools that do not have to be built .
17 You 've got people that want to get on and you 've got people that do n't want to , you know .
18 So the ones that do n't want to can be left to go somewhere else and let the other ones get on , otherwise they 're going to hold the others back . ’
19 Er yeah I 'm mean in that sort of environment you 're dealing with people that do n't want to be there know this timeshare thing .
20 These are learning programs that do n't pretend to be anything else .
21 Because you listened to what he was saying to you , now you might not believe it but the number of people that do n't listen to what customers are saying to them , you follow me ?
22 Also take into account immerse plants — those that put their tops out of the water — that do n't like to be sprayed on .
23 It features main bearing caps that do n't have to be individually matched to the block — something that could make the production process of any engine much easier .
24 Then I 'm the sort of person who goes around picking up Jaguars that do n't belong to him .
25 Er what the gov the British government would like to see is a resolution of these matters er our precise position er and attitude and er erm the assistance we can give in reaching conclusions is much more a matter er for ministers of the foreign office rather than myself so the honourable gentleman er invites me to tread in areas that do n't belong to me and do not actually belong to these orders that are before us , no they 're not , they 're not really relevant to whether we approve or not the orders that are before us , er I 'll give way in a moment but the honourable gentleman er for I believe wanted to intervene .
26 YE FLU GAN Philosophical thoughts that do n't amount to much ; graffiti in a place of worship
27 Feel free to ignore those questions that do n't apply to you .
28 Similarly , bleeding from oesophageal varices that have not responded to repeated sessions of injection sclerotherapy is a further indication for surgical intervention .
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