Example sentences of "[that] [det] is [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Policemen immediately that that is given to us by the Home Office .
2 But of course it is only reassuring if the person can be relied on to be there whenever the need arises — and you can be sure that that is bound to be during the last class hour on the longest teaching day of the week .
3 If you want to en try and ensure that you 're going to have a self sustained community , one hundred percent , you make sure that presumably you 've got a show case cinema with fifteen screens there , er a B and Q , erm a whole range of of facilities that nobody ever needs leave , erm erm erm er that new settlement , the reality of the real world of course is that all settlements to a greater or lesser degree , er have a relationship with other er larger scale settlements , now then let's look at the new settlement , fourteen hundred dwellings , we estimate that that is going to be of the order of around three thousand three hundred people , now that is sizeable , it is not small , it is larger than a number of the small market towns er in North Yorkshire , like Boroughbridge , Settle , it is a significant development erm erm and within it erm there will be a requirement er be a requirement for a a a primary school , it justifies that .
4 And I think you 'll probably find that that is going to be a problem in rural areas .
5 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
6 Now obviously commercial requirements might mean that that is modified to some extent .
7 And I would like to move that that is added to your recommendation Mr Chairman .
8 Again , from our vantage point , we know that each is suited to a particular kind of flight and life style ; but let us ignore that fact , and continue with the primitive analysis .
9 Some researchers believe that this is related to the time orientation or how far ahead an individual thinks or plans .
10 We must also be aware that very important cultural factors will also be involved in choice of site for a settlement and that this is related to the overall settlement pattern in an area .
11 This was achieved by Debye in 1944 , who showed that for a solute whose molecules are small compared with the wavelength of the light used , the reduced angular scattering intensity of the solute is and that this is related to the change in Gibbs free energy with concentration of the solute .
12 You should point out the necessity of co-operating with the doctor but you should warn the plaintiff that this is limited to matters relating to his or her medical condition .
13 Are you aware that the array of funerals , commonly made by undertakers , is strictly the heraldic array of a baronial funeral , the two men who stand at the doors being supposed to be the two porters of the castle , with their staves , in black ; the man who heads the procession , wearing a scarf , being a representative of a herald-at-arms ; the man who carries a plume of feathers on his head being an esquire , who bears the shield and casque , with its plume of feathers ; the pall-bearers , with batons , being representatives of knights-companions-at-arms ; the men walking with wands being supposed to represent gentlemen-ushers , with their wands : are you aware that this is said to be the origin and type of the common array usually provided by those who undertake to perform funerals ?
14 I would be grateful if you would ensure that this is passed to the appropriate committee .
15 I should be grateful if you would ensure that this is passed to the appropriate committee for consideration .
16 Several expert committees now recommend that this is reduced to 30–35 per cent of the calorie intake .
17 Henson has done a lovely job of placing his famous characters in the novel 's context while never letting us forget that this is meant to be a huge extravaganza .
18 ‘ That is not to say that this is going to be all fun , ’ she hastily added .
19 I think I will be a very unconventional mother , and having two daughters of my own I am appalled by the cost that this is going to erm
20 I ca n't seem to have have yet heard definitely that this is going to be .
21 Well , I mean we do n't think , we , it 's , I think it 's unlikely that this is going to , to have any effect until possibly all the f all the tenants are moved out anyway .
22 Now y I mean you 've got no preconception th th y idea that this is going to ha happen at all .
23 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
24 That aside , English follows its normal mode of realization — marking qualification by word order — and , as tends to be the case except in entity-identifiers , having the subordinate item follow the item qualified ; the only overt marking is the choice of an adjectival rather than adverbial form for the second property , to show that this is to apply to the entity of the noun phrase and not to the property of the verb .
25 The way that this is input to the recogniser is as a sequence of x-y points with an indication of the order in which the points were written ( Fig 1.2ii ) .
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