Example sentences of "[that] [vb past] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only component that had faded from the picture was Captain Buck 's Special Interrogation Group , ‘ owing to difficulties in recruiting ’ !
2 The sky was bright , the distant grumble of thunder died away and the sun shone , striking light off the puddles that had gathered from the downpour .
3 In the prosecution of the war , the Left discovered far greater opportunities for political advance than any that had arisen from the anti-war struggles of the 1930s .
4 Louis 's aim was twofold : first , to cope with the tensions that had arisen from the implementation of ecclesiastical reforms , for instance by sending out missi to settle disputes between clergy and laymen over the appropriation of tithes ; and second , to tighten control of local government , for instance , by asking missi to draw up lists of all those liable for military service in each county .
5 As such , he could not recommend the draft agreement that had emerged from the conversations .
6 On Sotheby 's activities in Berlin he was candid about the difficulties experienced by this ‘ very interesting experiment ’ so far but felt that the company could build on the pool of new private ( West ) German buyers that had emerged from the sales .
7 They looked what they were : creatures , Spirits of Trees , that had emerged from the ancient Wolfwood from a long , long sleep and who were alive and alert and completely without pity towards their enemies …
8 Everything that had emerged from the reaction to the two consultation papers it had produced ‘ confirms our view that we are on the right track .
9 Jazz shook his head so that the hair fell down over his face like a curtain and sat looking like something that had escaped from the zoo , still heaving from his exertions .
10 Begun the hatred that swelled the tiny spark of life that had escaped from the meteorite and become the Worm ?
11 Nervously , he stepped into the room and walked around , crunching the broken plaster that had fallen from the crumbling ceiling .
12 Hari shook back a strand of hair that had fallen from the pins .
13 Chesarynth washed , stuffed her torn and dirty hospital gown into the recycling chute and stole another , even brushed her hair ( she checked again ; no tower growing through her skull yet ) and then had to find a place to hide the dead leaves and twigs that had cascaded from the tangles .
14 The rumble that had thundered from the wheelbarrow on tarmac was now replaced by a creak as it rose , and a thump as it fell .
15 However , the handover of powers brought the institutions that had evolved from the old workhouses into the hands of authorities that could more effectively bring them up to date .
16 Their so-called furnished accommodation had consisted of two old beds that had come from a second-hand shop , a brokendown settee , and a gas cooker that had probably been used all through the war .
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