Example sentences of "[that] [vb past] [verb] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Or maybe I 'm a fruitarian bat , ’ said Marina , laughing , ‘ the one that got turned down for every Drac film because she would n't suck blood .
2 But it was the coming night that seemed to press down on Ruth ; there was a strange fear in her that the sun , if it sank this evening , might never rise again .
3 As he walked out into the silent white world Michael was glad of the freezing cold that seemed to cut down into his lungs .
4 Finally she dived through the alley by the Revuebar and into the market on Berwick Street , a drab thoroughfare enlivened by a sudden riot of colour in the narrow sunlight that came slanting down between the buildings — the yellow awnings over the stalls , the bright shades of new fruit , the brilliant white of new cardboard .
5 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
6 Disconnected , their instrument of memory fails to record anything of those common night-time moments that preceded lying down in the marital bed .
7 Leaning forward I had a view of it in the side mirror , the bend we had just rounded obliterated by a great mass of avalanching rock and mud that went spilling down over the edge to disappear into the cloud vapour below .
8 Betrayal , the theme that had first entered Harry 's head in Burford , recurred to his mind now as the link between all the widely spaced events that had borne down on Heather Mallender .
9 While fitting the rear offside wheel back on to Miss Clinton 's car , Jenny 's daddy had been called away suddenly to see to a tractor that had broken down on Farmer Pullen 's farm .
10 In his memoirs the former president writes , ‘ At the beginning of my second term , Congress , the bureaucracy and the media were still working in concert to maintain the ideas and ideology of the traditional Eastern liberal establishment that had come down to 1973 through the New Deal , the New Frontier , and the Great Society . ’
11 She moved nearer , heedless of Raynor 's warning hand on her arm , not exactly pushing him from her , but summoning , without realising , the authority and the remoteness that had come down to her ; certainly assuming the unconscious imperiousness that she had never known shone from her , and that was shining from her now in the dim , moonlit cell .
12 The rocks referred to were boulders that had come down off the moor in the flood .
13 For Philip said that board , thick papers , " something , should be put under the tank to raise it , because of some tricky protruding pipes , and Jasper , seeing the stacks of newspaper that had come down from the attic , swiftly gathered them up and built them , while he knelt there beside it , into an eighteen-inch-high platform .
14 But now , fallen from her cabin , she was cut off from all understanding , and had no strength to kick against the darkness that had come down around her .
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