Example sentences of "[that] [noun prp] [adv] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But he now writes to say that Newton also likened him to Dennis Skinner MP .
2 Luke was so infuriatingly indifferent that Maria almost told him to forget it .
3 One account has it that Rothenstein laid out Cooper accidentally with his head as he straightened up ; the other , that Rothenstein actually slogged him back .
4 It was to this woman , who watched them with a smile , that Travis now led her .
5 I shall not follow the hon. Member for Newry and Armagh ( Mr. Mallon ) who spoke about Ireland , because I am not qualified to do so , except to say that Ireland recently gave us the best rugby match in the world cup .
6 It was to avoid this last couple that Hugh unexpectedly asked her to dance , which they did unsuccessfully , their bodies unused to performing together , and Molly keeping to the shadows in case the children should spot them and never be able to forgive the embarrassment they had been caused .
7 Terry asked , sounding so disappointed that Ellie hastily reassured her .
8 Spells and love potions — not that Cormac ever needed them of course , because there was n't a woman in Ireland who 'd have resisted him .
9 Something that Eva just told me . ’
10 His mother , also dead , was really German , but she had called herself Austrian in an impulse of cowardice that Stephen rather cherished her for .
11 In fact she felt that Jennie positively disliked her , particularly when none of the shoes in stock fitted her and Jennie refused to buy her a new pair .
12 Those who misinterpret this in the interests of encouraging a ‘ leap of faith ’ also ignore the fact that Jesus still invited him to touch and see , unnecessary as it was .
13 The court heard that Nichol then drove her home before going on to another girlfriend , Leoni Hogg , whom he had previously lived with .
14 Mike , furious , could see that Adam clearly felt he had nothing to fear from his little brother .
15 Thus the partisans of the Falange , the CEDA , Renovación Española and the Comunión Tradicionalista could each imagine that Franco specifically meant them .
16 But it was not until August 1659 , a year and a half after Dara 's defeat , that Aurangzeb finally captured him .
17 ‘ If I felt certain , ’ I answered finally , ‘ that God really wanted me to marry you , I would agree ! ’
18 The former England batsman also claimed that Donald was not a one-day cricketer and that Warwickshire only used him with the new ball in such games .
19 Before that , Rachel had simply been my younger sister ; prettier , brighter and sweeter than me , but that had never really bothered me until that moment , when I realised that Jacob obviously loved her far more than he would ever love me .
20 We would need to know far more about the actual course of study students had been following , albeit briefly , under Vial , before we could accept that Coleman maliciously reduced it , and that his motive , as claimed by Smith , was mercenary self-interest ( the 20 guineas student 's fee going into his pocket ) .
21 Apart from a handful of friends that were his own age , like Nicholas Soames and Lord Romsey — who were still fourteen or fifteen years Diana 's senior — most of the people Charles enjoyed seeing were older , with the result that Diana frequently found she was socializing with her father 's , or even grandfather 's , generation .
22 Hypnotherapy is examined , and while Alec Bedser is sincere in his assertion that he never needed extra motivation ( and also in his justified bellyache that Hutton never gave him enough credit ) , the need is unquestionably there in many cases , and modern sports-thought seeks to help .
23 ‘ Proof that Silas really loved me , and that I had n't just become a habit with him .
24 Burghley told him that Elizabeth still considered him ‘ both an honest man and a good subject ’ but said that he should not raise such matters in the House .
25 Her care of the pups was so haphazard that Buddie often fed them milk from a baby 's bottle to make sure they were getting enough nourishment .
26 ‘ But the biggest joke is that Pauline actually recommended me for the part because she liked me so much !
27 He chooses to believe that Hilary practically badgered her into her grave .
28 I might have added that Masha once told me she did n't know what women saw in her two ageing friends .
29 It was no wonder that Julie clearly thought she ought to have her head examined .
30 He seems later to have returned ; possibly an attempt on the throne was being planned when he died , for the C text 's statement that Cnut afterwards had him killed is followed by Florence , who adds that he was betrayed by those he held dearest .
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