Example sentences of "[that] [adv] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While appreciating the need to continue good exporting conditions for this major Scottish commodity , one could argue that perhaps much of the tax revenue goes straight back into the system to treat those many people who suffer from alcohol misuse or abuse ( not just whisky , of course ) .
2 Note that only some of the additional text rows created by lexicographic activity in the Working-Set are copied back to the Main Database .
3 A high failure rate ensures that only those with the right aptitude for the job eventually make it to the Company .
4 Looking at the audience , you may find that only those in the first five rows are alert and interested — the next five rows are straining forward , probably frowning , while the people in the back of the hall have given up and are doing their best to hide the fact that they are nodding off .
5 Until the move in the 1860s to a new building with adequate space , it was dispersed on shelves scattered all over the old one , with the books crowded three rows deep on the shelves so that only those in the front row were visible , and no catalogue of it existed .
6 As a mother I warm to someone who observes that so many of the modern theories on childcare ‘ show utter contempt for women 's judgement ’ , and who points out that , when it comes to smacking , ‘ if we were talking about any other activity which was so widespread , people would say this was a method which was tried and tested and obviously worked .
7 ‘ The Catholic Church … was unique among the larger religious bodies by the fact that so many of the most devout were drawn from the working-class and even from the poor . ’
8 AN OXFORDSHIRE reader expresses astonishment that so many of the hotels featured in this column border on Fawlty Towers .
9 City teachers , even the most experienced , are so accustomed to mobility , access to transport and social competence in getting around that they are continually surprised to find that so many of the children they teach lead lives confined to a few streets .
10 The fact that so many of the balances are associated with graves-goods dating from c .
11 It 's sad that so many of the people I 'm interested in are no longer around .
12 It is no wonder that so many of the small northern birds have to raise large broods of young , just to maintain the status quo of the population .
13 It is no accident that so many of the latter — Wieland , Winckelmann , Lessing , Gottsched — disliked both him and Prussia .
14 Dame Sirith does not end with a brief moral in the way that so many of the French fabliaux do .
15 Firstly , I am tired of hearing from experts that so many of the world 's problems are insoluble : poverty , malnutrition , pollution , road accidents , bureaucracy , illiteracy , inflation … there are literally hundreds of such problems , and most of them are getting worse .
16 It occurred to me that so many of the people who influence our lives are people who have been unjustly treated .
17 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
18 The reason for this is that so much of the guesswork can be removed , certain weather conditions demand certain tactics .
19 It is for this reason that so much of the initial consultation is spent explaining the technique to the patient , answering all his questions and , hopefully , dissolving all his apprehensions .
20 In the knowledge that so much of the central and parochial planning has been based on these kinds of projections , many ministers want to ignore the evidence from the past and present , and work in the hope that God will do a new thing .
21 However you do the sums , the levy is clearly there to pay for history ; the Select Committee said it is ‘ indefensible that so much of the burden of discharging the pre-April 1990 liabilities should be placed on electricity consumers within one eight-year period ’ .
22 JC : I regret that so much of the spoken word is now cut .
23 Yet an analysis of the ideology behind the antipathy and prejudice displayed in racial nationalism , despite the fact that so little of the expression of such ideas was coherent or systematic , is important for three reasons .
24 It is symptomatic of the depressed state of industry that so few of the individuals interviewed had anything positive to say about their experiences .
25 Miss Logan observed several butterflies and numerous lizards , but was secretly disappointed that so few of the creatures which had descended from the Ark were manifesting themselves .
26 The fact that so few of the Crown 's powers were redefined in 1688 – 9 meant that neither the old conflicts between Court and Country , nor those between advocates of limited versus strong , autocratic monarchy , had reached any satisfactory resolution .
27 At a meeting with the Lords Lieutenant , it was recorded , ‘ many of them being so sick by this great fatigue , and out of all hopes of relief from His Majesty 's forces , absolutely refused to hold out any longer ’ , whereupon the city corporation , conscious that already some of the militia had disappeared over the walls and fearing further desertions , voted by 24 to 15 to capitulate .
28 The precise interpretation of correlation co-efficients depends upon the size of the data-sets employed , but , as a rule of thumb , a correlation of 0.7 indicates that approximately half of the variation in the set of test scores is attributable to real variations in the attribute being measured .
29 The success of a programme of captive-breeding for Brazilian capuchin monkeys has been diluted by the fact that hardly any of the primate 's natural habitat remains .
30 It is possible that nearly all of the outgassed volatiles have always been the result of recycling .
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