Example sentences of "[that] [adv] [adv] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 our ILEA studies suggest that only about half the difference between reading scores of children from West Indian homes and their white counterparts may be accounted for by socio-economic factors .
2 Asking people to match the colours they could recall with colours on a standard colour chart revealed that only about half the dreams contained colour , and many of these were in pastel shades .
3 It was alarming that only about half the teachers responded adversely to the use of the word ‘ alien ’ in this question :
4 I think er what this exercise today has shown us is that only about half the factors in H two er have a strategic dimension in so far as they would affect a choice between broad sectors around York .
5 Local residents again pointed out that so far all the dust that had blown had come from one three-acre section of the lake : ‘ The worry is that if it 's not attended to and if the entire 150 acres rise up and start blowing at the same time it could be a national disaster .
6 Since only the United Nations can do the job of peacemaking , is the Minister concerned that just over half the value of the assessments on individual countries for last year has been paid , and will she therefore press other members of the international community to ensure that they give the United Nations the resources to do that necessary peacemaking and peacekeeping job ?
7 The last point sounds simple but some organisations do become so carried away with logos and elaborate art work that well over half the area of the printed page is unavailable for typed material .
8 Settlement certificates granted by parish authorities in Kent between 1691 and 1740 show that well over half the immigrants into Maidstone travelled no more than 10 miles and that only 15 per cent journeyed more than 40 miles .
9 In the first place it was clear that well over half the population of England and Wales did not attend any form of religious service at all on that particular day .
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