Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] could [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I just wish that I could give more .
2 No so there was n't anything that I could record then and the woman 's coming tonight , to pick them up
3 I wished he would go away so that I could go upstairs and look at all my clothes .
4 Until then I had always thought that I could go home , but now I was n't sure .
5 After tearing both my ACL and MCL ( medial collateral ligament ) in a skiing accident last season , I decided to take the latter course and found that I could ski relatively safely with the aid of a brace .
6 I know that if I wanted to come back here this is the time that I could do so .
7 He thinks that I could do better than just a clerical job .
8 I always feel that I could do better
9 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
10 At one time my major ambition was to have my father buy me an excavator so that I could make really big dams .
11 I dressed in black to reduce the chance of being seen and could n't believe my luck when I found that the house opposite his was unoccupied , with big bushes in the front garden that I could hide behind .
12 I wished that I could talk well , and could continue this conversation until animosity was dissipated and we could all stand on some common ground , but I knew enough to admit that this would n't happen , and that the longer the talk went on the further apart we should all grow .
13 I knocked on it but it was so dilapidated that I could see right through the door frame and into a large room where a man was sitting in a kitchen chair , dressed in trousers and vest .
14 Even before the film had wound on , he 'd looked down and away , so that I could see only his forehead and his grey hair ; and within two seconds , he 'd walked towards the grandstand and out of my line of vision .
15 In a moment of optimism my wife told me not to worry and pronounced that I could live perfectly well on one lung .
16 The next decision was to find an instrument that I could learn quickly .
17 But I was considered ‘ sharp ’ and they also discovered that I could run quite fast .
18 So , it 's perhaps an area that I could instigate there .
19 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
20 The female , Vicky , came to me and bent down so that I could look again into her grey eyes .
21 I used to even give up my lunch hours so that I could come home and take the dog out !
22 I knew that I could wait forever ,
23 I 've wished then that I could say honestly , ‘ But I did have a child of my own , a little boy by the only man I have truly loved . ’
24 ‘ He was a big man , but I had studied martial arts and felt confident that I could get away if he made the wrong move .
25 I hated Gionesca because he complained all the time , and I knew that I could get away with hating him because I was stronger and fitter than him .
26 I ran along the stony path to Sam 's large shed in my socks and hardly felt the discomfort , and found to my relief that I could get inside easily enough — no lock on the door .
27 We found then that the bigger the objective lens was the more light could be got and the bigger you could make it , so as I got bigger and got er the chance of making my own lenses and building up lenses of various kinds , I found that I could get quite a good magnification .
28 Soon I 'll have enough money for a really powerful crossbow , and that I 'm certainly looking forward to ; it 'll help make up for the fact that I 've never been able to persuade my father to buy a rifle or a shotgun that I could use sometimes .
29 I developed so much skill that I could put together a 50 or 60 break and when I moved to York I played for the local Conservative club and reached the final of the York and District competition .
30 I remember the look of relief on your face when you told me it was all over-that I could return home and forget it ever happened .
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