Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] have [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I have attended many feminist seminars , workshops and group discussions about language , and there are certain folklinguistic assertions that I have heard over and over again from the ( nonlinguist ) women present .
2 Titles that I have heard thus far are both digitally remixed and remastered — and very successful they are too .
3 Lest it be thought that I have singled out young persons as a special problem , let me hasten to add that I think that the behaviour of youth cultures has to be seen as a mirror image of the adult society .
4 I have learnt enough about the Alexander Technique to realize that I have much more to learn , and that noticeable change can be a slow process , but I am more than happy with the benefits that I have received so far .
5 The difference that emerges is that whereas Labov 's statement is based on speaker-agreement within the dimension of social class ( and hence derivative from the ‘ shared value ’ hypothesis of stratificational class theory , on which see chapter 7 ) , the characterization that I have built up thus far is based on the variables of age , sex , area and network , within a single social class , and without reliance on a prior model or theory of social class .
6 " It 's just that I have to lock up , " she said again .
7 I get the feeling that I have missed quite an experience . ’
8 I know that I have gained tremendously .
9 Autism is a very profound cognitive deficit indeed , and everything that I have said up to now entails that a person whose thinking significantly lacks an holistic character , and lacks the related qualities of directedness , inhibition and co-ordination , will be profoundly affected .
10 But before you go rushing off to the river to catch a netful of chub , bear in mind that I have said only that chub are easy to catch compared to most other species .
11 The increase that I have announced today to some extent reflects weaker trading conditions and the recession .
12 The figures that I have announced today represent very good news for the people of Scotland .
13 He was absolutely right to welcome the substantial increases that I have announced today for a range of programmes .
14 British Rail is conducting an internal inquiry , but the inquiry that I have announced today , which is to be held by the Health and Safety Executive , will be a public inquiry under the Regulation of Railways Act 1871 .
15 The step that I have announced today represents an important milestone for British airborne technology , in collaboration with our partners , in a major international development project .
16 However , I can confirm that the overall value of the ships with equipment that I have announced today approaches £400 million .
17 The legislative plans that I have announced today are designed to consolidate and build on the improvement in industrial relations which we have achieved over the last 12 years .
18 I always do sit with my hands in my pockets , except when I am in the company of my sisters , my cousins , or my aunts ; and they kick up such a shindy — I should say expostulate so eloquently on the subject — that I have to give up and take them out — my hands I mean . ’
19 Yes , that pile does signify that I have moved again — back to Glasgow .
20 That is , under no circumstances must I mention to anyone that I have turned down an invitation to return to Blighty .
21 Thank you for your recent letter , it is always useful for me to hear what use the publications that I have sent out were put to .
22 I thought , ‘ this will make the carrying of the tea to the remaining resident members of my family an uncommonly pleasant event , because they will all smile upon me instead of producing the customary resentful grunt when I stir them from sleep , and they will say ‘ Good morning , dear husband/father ( as the case might be ) , and they will reach under their beds for the gift-wrapped goodies so lovingly prepared and concealed the night before , and handing me their tributes they will voice their gratitude to God that I have survived so far , and will express the pious hope that they may be able to repeat such sentiments on this same date for many a year to come .
23 I do not acknowledge that I have done wrong
24 Recognition has two referents : recognition by me that I have done well , and recognition by others .
25 If the hon. Gentleman looks at Hansard tomorrow , he will see that I have done exactly that .
26 ‘ All that I have done today has gone amiss ’ , he says ( II , 17 ) ; ‘ Since we passed through the Argonath my choices have gone amiss ’ ( II , 28 ) ; ‘ And now may I make a right choice , and change the evil fate of this unhappy day ! ’
27 I usually find , though , that I have done so much walking and sightseeing during the day that , by the time I have had a meal and a bath , I am quite happy to read in bed for an hour and then go to sleep .
28 I shall not give way to my hon. Friend , as I believe that I have done so once already and I have only a little time left .
29 The account of global politics that I have given here derives in part from such a paradigm , in which I emphasize the importance throughout the twentieth century of the opposition between capitalism and socialism , and more generally between those processes and policies which tend either to increase or to diminish inequality in its diverse forms , within societies and in the world as a whole .
30 The numbers that I have given publicly hitherto are the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I can make — about 175 at the end of the transitional period .
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