Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] had [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
2 Automatically I checked that I had plenty of fuel myself .
3 Assuming now that I was aware of one or two facts of which you , my dear , could not be , assuming that I had something of importance to communicate to Michel , would you still stick to your stubborn refusal ? ’
4 I told her that I had you at work then yesterday , right , she says oh no another one , right , and ended up
5 ‘ You see that I had you in my mind ! ’
6 And why did the impact of his presence provoke such an undeniable response in her when , earlier , she had felt that she had everything under control ?
7 Ellen was sure now that she had him for her own and most likely thought it a fair return for her investment of time and trouble .
8 Ronni smiled a small smile , grateful that the subject of Jeff and Silvia had been left behind , and enjoying , for once , the fact that she had him at a disadvantage .
9 Nicklaus , sensing that she had something on her mind , offered an encouraging , ‘ Do n't be afraid to speak up ! ’
10 Not for sustenance , but so that she had something on which to focus her attention while she thought about her response to him .
11 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
12 And she once again had the strong , peculiar feeling that was coming over her more and more often : the feeling that she had nothing in common with those two-legged creatures with a head on their shoulders and a mouth in their face .
13 ( Not that she had anything against Greenpeace .
14 It was n't that she had anything against him personally ; he was a charming and clever man , dedicated to his school , an entrepreneur who was using the fruits of his success to fulfil a lifetime 's dream — and good luck to him , she thought .
15 Not that she had anything against him .
16 Not that she had anything against the vicar personally , though it had been hard to forgive his refusal of her request for an ‘ Animals ’ Sunday' to which people might bring their pets to be blessed .
17 Tallis was idly aware that she had none of these organs left .
18 I was glad to be able to say that we had something for them in return — we were bringing a distinguished visitor in the person of George Turner , a Llangollen stationmaster in BR days , before the line was closed .
19 This is partly because of their ephemeral nature and partly because disclosure would often reveal either that very sensitive subjects were under consideration or that we had something in train about which we were not ready to make an announcement .
20 Nonetheless , the absence of labourers is more apparent than real : the local practice of not assessing goods of less value than £2 did not mean that any personal property owned by people of the labouring sort was generally ignored , for a good many men later taxed on wages owned goods worth anything up to £10 in 1522 , which ( unless perhaps having disposed of , say , a beast or two ) they managed to conceal from the taxman and convince him that they had nothing but the minimum in wages .
21 Hazel , sensing at once that they had nothing in common with himself and his companions , started and sat up tensely .
22 Not that they had anything against the original character or film ; far from it .
23 Not that they had anything against cats as cats , but witches were believed to take the form of cats , so it was all quite reasonable , really . ’
24 It dawned on Nutty , reading the programme ( ‘ Start 9 am prompt ’ ) that they had none of them attempted to do the four parts of the competition all on the same day , and she wondered bitterly if she would still be conscious when the results were announced .
25 Chemistry had also had symbols , but the problem was that it had them in profusion .
26 You would never know by its handling that it had anything but a normal tail unit .
27 Theories have been put forward that it had anything from 6 to 24 sides , and even that it may have been circular .
28 hinting that he had plenty in the bank .
29 She had the impression that he had something on his mind and was uncertain whether or not he should speak of it .
30 ‘ Well — just for a little while , then , ’ he said , relenting — and perhaps enjoying the fact that he had something to relent about , was in command of the situation .
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