Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] need to be " in BNC.

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1 I have seen at long last that I need to be free of my beloved mistress and even as I write that word it is hollow for how can I love one who no longer has the least regard for me ?
2 I see that I need to be your shadow .
3 From the tarn , I followed my nose down to a cairn that stands on the shoulder above Deepdale Side where the view down Deepdale into Dentdale was so good that I sat and looked at it for a good half-hour until the thought that I needed to be home by late afternoon pushed me on down to the green lane of the old Craven Way .
4 ‘ I had n't realised that I needed to be a hypochondriac to qualify for your — affections . ’
5 Nor to be reminded of their smouldering resentments against this girl of their of age who was so ‘ lady-like ’ and ‘ nose-in-the-air ’ so that they might feel that she needed to be brought down a peg or two .
6 ‘ Is this the kind of thing you want , old thing ? ’ he enquired kindly , obviously feeling that she needed to be humoured .
7 Nathan returns , suggesting that you need to be in a sheltered spot for minimum discomfort ; he thinks that constipation is to be feared almost as much as the wind .
8 It goes without saying , almost , that you need to be generous with the rabbits you kill .
9 You make it quite clear that you need to be alone , but the other person either can not or will not hear .
10 As you have been reading these thoughts , have you come to the decision that you need to be reconciled , to members of your family ?
11 Simply that you need to be aware of all the various factors before opting out of your present arrangements .
12 First , you should recognize that you need to be much more self-reliant than you 've ever been before .
13 That 's something else that you need to be aware of .
14 But it 's obvious at the moment that you need to be more self centred .
15 Or are there lots of other things that you need to be aware of ?
16 Not that you need to be any fitter than you are .
17 Because there were , there were easily three lists of influence on referrals that you need to be attuned to , that I gave you in that one erm praise , give a bit of praise to my wife because all I 'm proud of crafty , I thought , you know , why did n't you say that was a beautiful brief .
18 If I could show you a way of keeping your premiums at an affordable level but still obtaining the li , the level of life cover that you need to be of to your wife and your family , would , would that be of interest to you ?
19 okay good point and that is that is a point , that you need to be clear about what you want to role plays on as good as the real thing you know but then again sometimes you know sometimes I 've listened to people saying well role plays are a bit harder than real life harder than real life why are we talking about being assertive now .
20 And I would suggest that you need to be looking at investing about two hours er , up front in each month , writing the prioritised to list , and then working out when you 're actually going to do this stuff .
21 ‘ It was the fact that you needed to be told that made telling you impossible . ’
22 The truest ‘ greens ’ are those who recognise that we need to be protected from aspects of the environment , of which the rat and the louse represent the unacceptable face .
23 One of Pearce 's main points is that we need to be able to apply monetary values to environmental gains and losses .
24 We know that we need to be loved but are afraid of rejection .
25 This is exactly the kind of relationship work that we need to be doing when we are engaged .
26 ‘ A lead of 2-1 guarantees nothing , except the fact that we need to be on our toes against a side who will relish the big occasion . ’
27 It does n't mean that the science is poor , but it does mean that we need to be sceptical of the assumptions that we receive .
28 A second dimension that we need to be aware of is one of organisational change and the reasons for it .
29 A number of writers have concentrated upon the psychological make-up of individuals and indicated that we need to be aware of the individual 's nature .
30 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
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