Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] have very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have a small , immediate family and up until my cancer I would say that I had very few friends .
2 This may be the book of a man whom ‘ mountaineering makes … happy , but there 's no doubt at all that I have very little talent for it . ’
3 Sometimes Lydia felt that she had very little to lose , and in her poverty lay her safety .
4 There were things he consciously noticed about people which he brought to mind long after he had ceased to watch them , but now he noted for the first time that she had very small feet — they could have belonged to the oriental he had imagined her to be through the sun haze .
5 I told the police just now that you have very dark eyes and golden-brown hair . ’
6 The survey told us that we had very few 11-19 year old visitors — an age group now catered for increasingly by our educational activities .
7 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
8 However , the vagaries of how people actually spend their incomes and the growing evidence that health is relative rather than absolute poverty , means that we have very little idea of how income is related to health in practice .
9 Therefore , I can assure my hon. Friend , who represents a rural constituency , that we have very much in mind the needs of rural post offices and we shall look with interest at any requests that they make to us for extending their liability to sell other services .
10 In 1730 Miller makes a specific request for ‘ cuttings or a small part of your sort of Cistus 's , which is a tribe of plants that we have very few of ’ .
11 ‘ Naturally I want to be sure that we have very precise data about radon 's limited and localised occurrence .
12 However , at the same time I must say that we have very high welfare and hygiene standards in this country .
13 In fairness to the LTA , in the particular circumstances of the time , I do not believe that they had very much option .
14 On the other hand , some may never have placed such emphasis on independence in their lives , or never felt that they had very much independence in the first place .
15 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
16 If we now turn our attention to the carnosaurs , like the Dilophosaurus , and the dome-headed creatures , like the grotesque Pachycephalosaurus , we can see that they had very bony skulls .
17 Fourthly , the movements are based on a principle of democracy , so that they have very little in the way of hierarchy or authoritative positions .
18 Many owners , whether individuals or organizations , may initially see their redundant buildings simply as a burden and take the view that they have very little interest or merit .
19 Another reason may be , again , that they have very little precise notion of what they want to get from a particular text .
20 ‘ The English — and of course I do n't want you to take this personally — the English are peculiar in that they have very little culinary self-esteem .
21 The souls mis a nu , like the persons who ‘ tell ill ’ in our popular newspapers and magazines , usually show by the exposure that they have very little to convey .
22 It does n't matter that they have very little experience driving cars on our road .
23 How are bats able to fly so dexterously at night , in spite of the fact that they have very small , weak eyes ?
24 Despite the masterpieces they contain , Italy 's museums are so uninviting and so often closed that they have very few visitors : only the Uffizi is over the one million mark ( 1,048,185 ) , with the Accademia in Venice at a mere 183,474 ( compared with the London National Gallery 's four million visitors ) .
25 One glance at Hannah 's meadows told me that it had very real prospects because it did not have the lush , emerald green appearance of chemically fertilized land .
26 The comprehensive and pervasive nature of planning makes it easy to forget that it has very little to do with private rights and restrictions .
27 But I think Freud would have also gone on to say that he had very good reason for resenting Wilson , because he blamed Wilson personally for the unjust peace , after er Versailles , but er , was indirectly , many people would argue , going to lead to the Second World War , and er , so Freud 's defence I think would be , this man really was responsible .
28 Thomas May 's earlier assumption would have been a perfectly natural one had he been dealing with a museum collection , but here at Templebrough , the sherds came from his own excavation , and the only conclusion to be drawn is that he had very little conception of the significance of stratified deposits .
29 The fact that he had very little free consecutive time for his own writing began to worry him a great deal , and he missed the familiar life of Kensington , with its public house and local shops .
30 Pinkie could still think quite clearly enough to know that he had very little prospect of a new commission .
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