Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] have give us " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What matters is that she has given us the most glorious production we have ever had at Hochhauser .
2 This , however , is what we do , together with a big ‘ Thank you ’ for all the news and views that you 've given us in 1991 .
3 You have limited er suppliers who you choose er having heard the figures that you 've given us today erm i it seems to me that there is very little control of that expenditure .
4 Make us more of a church body , Lord , using the gifts that you have given us in service for you and for one another , and learning form one another in humility .
5 Our thoughts are with the circles of family and friends that you have given us , and we pray for those we meet , our neighbours , the people we work with , those we encounter in shops and businesses .
6 Thanks to our parliamentary system and the stability that it has given us , the British people have been spared the horrors of revolution , civil war and invasion for more than 300 years .
7 We rehearsed so much stuff that it 's given us plenty of music to play around with on the tour .
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