Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] have [art] very " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I soon realised that I had a very limited view of what venture capital was all about , ’ he recalls .
2 And when you the schools , the shops in that area , I 'm not only surprised it was n't considered in the first place , but secondly , it is the key to the whole scheme and er although I 'm quite happy to move the erm recommendation , I must say that I have a very very deep concern regarding Road .
3 Everything happened so quickly that I have no very clear recollection of what actually took place .
4 Please let me say , Helen , that I have the very greatest affection and respect for you .
5 The effects of Esther 's stroke were not obvious at first , which made the doctors wonder if she had suffered a second stroke when they found later that she had a very severe left hemiplegia .
6 ‘ But rumour goes that she had a very inferior , draughty little cave , and one hell of a climb to get to it .
7 And one thing he did know about the real Sandra was that she had a very low tolerance for boredom , and that she got bored very easily .
8 ‘ I ca n't believe it ! ’ he cried , but held on to her firmly so that she had a very concrete impression that , if it happened that it was the truth , he had no intention of letting her go , not now .
9 I can insist that she has the very best attention … ’
10 I do hope that you have a very enjoyable evening and an informative one too .
11 You 've got what , you know in terms of when you 've got say that you have a very very high percentage of people , all in the same position living in one area .
12 Thanks to the intervention and wise counsel of an Edinburgh specialist in prints , we learnt just in time that we had a very valuable collection which should be sold complete .
13 As we said , we would n't be on the picket line now , and indeed the Union would not be backing us in what is proving to be a long and fairly expensive dispute , if we did n't believe that we had a very good chance of getting our jobs back and re-establishing the Union in Pergammon Press .
14 I consider that we have a very important national duty to perform in this respect ; this city is something more than the mother of arts and eloquence ; she is the mother of nations ; we are peopling two continents , the Western and the Southern Continent , and we are organising , christianising and civilising large portions of two ancient continents , Africa and Asia ; and it is not right that when the inhabitants of those countries come to the metropolis , they should see nothing worthy of its ancient renown .
15 Even at this stage , however , it is important to stress that we have a very incomplete understanding of many processes in the natural environment .
16 The important thing in dealing with our self-image is that we recognise that we are different creatures with different skills and abilities , and that we have a very realistic idea of what our skills and inabilities actually are .
17 The point is that we have a very indistinct line between the real and unavoidable problems of ageing and those which are socially and psychologically constructed and may , with care , be reducible .
18 More formally , if equations ( 3.6 ) — ( 3.8 ) are the ‘ truth ’ and we carry out an ordinary least-squares regression of C t on Y t , as shown in equation ( 3.9 ) , then , assuming that we have a very large sample so that we can use population variances in place of sample variances , our estimator of will tend to the conventional formula : where is the covariance between C and Y and is the variance of Y.
19 Well you can be assured that we have a very close relationship with Microsoft and Microsoft will er tell you the same story .
20 I shall be only too pleased to fight the next election on the basis of the record on law and order and to show that we have a very much better record than the last Labour Government .
21 As I near the end of my year in office , I am pleased to report there is no doubt in my mind that we have a very stable Institute which was built on a strong foundation by our predecessors .
22 Erm , before we leave item one D , sir , there are two things that Hambledon would like to say both on the q questions that the Chairman asked , capacity , and also on the principal of breaking down the Greater York figure i into the constituent districts , erm , the first point , on capacity , erm , we feel that we have a very limited capacity , er to accommodate development needs advising in Greater York , you 'll see from our statement that we have just two settlements an , sorry three settlements in two parishes er within the defined Greater York area , Shipton , Beningborough , and Overton .
23 Erm , I think that we have a very sane , sensible budget proposed here , and I trust that every sensible councillor will support it .
24 And we already know in Oxfordshire at secondary level that we have a very good record .
25 I think that we have a very butch attitude , I think the government has a very butch attitude quite honestly , er to , you know , you 've got to er stand up there and help yourself , and I suppose I 'm all for that , but you 've got to have something to help yourself with , and I think that 's where we ought to be aiming and I 'm very glad that the world 's leaders are heading straight in that direction . .
26 The lower jaw of these fish is loosely slung to the brain case so that they had a very wide ‘ gape ’ .
27 To the administrators concerned with the welfare of the Masai , however , it seemed that they had a very good case for keeping the enormous area which had been assigned to them .
28 ‘ In our case , I think people were looking further afield for education without realising that they had a very good facility close to home .
29 The mass media and the financial institutions encourage maximum consumption of goods which are often so manufactured that they have a very limited life .
30 On the contrary , it is precisely because lone mothers are women that they have a very high risk of poverty .
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