Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] have [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
2 ‘ All this , with the bonus of an organic approach , makes it one of the most original books on gardening that I 've seen in a long time , ’ says our kitchen garden correspondent , Adam Pasco .
3 The danger is when they 're the ones that if they 're the ones that stop other people sorting out their own feelings and emotions erm and I think in the work that I 've done in schools and in other situations following disasters one of the biggest problems has been that those expressing denial or saying that we should be able to cope with this , children are resilient , they do n't have these problems , erm they 've often stopped people getting the help that they need ; often stopped other teachers getting the help that they need .
4 And for someone in my position to make a jump from one thing to another and to be feeling better than I 've felt in ten years , feeling like I 'm at the top of my game creatively at the moment , must mean that I 've grown in the making of this album .
5 You 're asking me to believe that I 've fallen in love with a nothing . ’
6 It 's just , " said Adrian , " that I 've fallen in love .
7 Er and basically that 's I 'm beginning to feel that I 've thrown in a bit of a red herring here .
8 M I mean , let's be fair I mean most of the stallholders that I 've found in Nottinghamshire erm are perfectly honest and reputable and many of them been there many years anyway .
9 Erm I most of the tapes that I 've had in the past have been recorded mono , erm and I 've needed a little doohickey to turn the erm output into mono as well cos it 's awfully off-putting spending seven and a half hours with the stuff coming in through one ear only .
10 But the number of people that I 've had in erm both customers and visitors like yourselves , that have been so impressed by the standards of housekeeping and cleanliness and tidiness , for an engineering facility .
11 There 's an awful lot of information that I 've put in there which I 've photocopied and much reduced from the official documents
12 That one , that 's the big toe , is where the foot actually is twisted outwards this one is where the foot is curved under , and that I 've put in red because it 's the most common sort , very common , that is where the foot is forced up and that one is where it looks as though it 's standing on its toes .
13 I would like to say that there have been no negotiations with British Coal erm in relation to this objection as the application is currently in abeyance as it 's obviously subject to a section fourteen direction , but I do n't see anything in there erm which erm alters the the general conclusions er that I 've put in my supplementary paper on this particular criterion .
14 That carbon that I 've got in the centre now and the convention is to use a little star .
15 ‘ Because the three men that I 've got in the morgue back at New Scotland Yard are Peter Lawton , Mathew Bryce and Trevor Magee . ’
16 Perhaps you could prop up this little hand mirror that I 've got in there .
17 is the stuff that I 've got in a little bag , got little bag full
18 Then a film that I 'd made in India opened , and the producer of the film gave me a list of agents ' names , and said , ‘ You are going to be a star .
19 So , there 's me , in agony with me ankle , hobbling over to the hole that I 'd made in the wall of the office .
20 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
21 And against all sense and credibility I worked out that I had landed in the midst of what might be called a farmstead , Fraxilly-style .
22 Petra surpassed anything that I had visualised in my kitchen fantasy-life .
23 It was not with my reason that I had fallen in love with him and come to live with him , but it was with my reason that I was going to leave him .
24 ‘ The first time I met her , while I was working for him , I think she knew that I had fallen in love with him and yet she was kinder to me than anyone I 've ever known .
25 It was sad for me that I had fallen in love with someone who did not love me , but it was not an experience I cared to repeat — for more and better reasons than the fear of pain .
26 It seemed a very personal and special wave — the kind that I had seen in my mind 's eye in a night of tangled dreaming .
27 Admission into the complex followed a similar pattern to that I had seen in the English prisons : searches , registration , allocation , different coloured uniforms for the various categories of prisoner , etc .
28 This was the first time in my life that I had lived in deep country , without easy access to shops , transport and people I knew .
29 I had to lift my gaze from the old dashboard that I had sat in front of for more than sixty years to a new one , and the only new one I knew of displayed the dials and instruments of what is called holistic medicine and which at that time I took to be something I knew virtually nothing about .
30 I had to go upstairs and take the uniform off to brush it , as otherwise it would have been deduced that I had sat in the chair of a gentleman .
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