Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [be] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
2 It would not be whimsical to suggest that I still go to Arsenal now because of what Swindon did to me then : like a gambler who keeps playing because it is the only way to win back what he has lost , I still feel , somewhere in me , that I am owed for what Ian Ure and Jon Sammels and Bobby Gould put me through that afternoon .
3 But then with an ever deepening sinking feeling inside I realise that I am bound for failure once again .
4 Winning the title meant that I was selected for Great Britain to run against West Germany in Dortmund .
5 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
6 If I find in myself a desire for which no experience in this world can satisfy , the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world .
7 I trusted him to see that I was equipped for the new life I had chosen .
8 But one incident that amused me was that I was booked for a coffee commercial and the producer phoned me up the night before the session to let me know the track we were doing , because he said he wanted to get it as close to the original as he possibly could .
9 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law have revealed that she was killed for the few pounds she had in her house .
10 She also knew what was good for herself , so she kept for her own use the money that she was given for the children 's food .
11 Sheila alleged that she was dazed for three days following the attack , suffering a black eye and a cut on her forehead .
12 The argument that she was employed for the specific purpose of teaching students , and therefore not eligible for dismissal rights , was rejected .
13 There was such a vast variety of decorated bowls and jugs and plates that she was spoilt for choice .
14 She had a curious feeling that greater good fortune would yet be hers , that she was destined for high places .
15 This will ensure that you are invited for screening as appropriate .
16 This will ensure that you are invited for screening as appropriate .
17 Check that you are covered for the tank and any furnishings , such as carpets , which could be ruined if you have a disaster .
18 The lesson is that you must always keep your defences strong so that you are prepared for any situation .
19 If you are working in a very technical field you should do your homework before the interview so that you are prepared for detailed questions about equipment and techniques you may have to deal with .
20 Dig out the 10,000 piece jigsaw of The Sky At Night that you were given for Christmas 10 years ago .
21 But you would have to be awfully sure that you were destined for the gallows to put to sea in a small boat during a storm .
22 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
23 Holding the idea that we are good , that we are lovable , that we are cared for , seems to act in much the same way as a tranquillizer .
24 Subtitled How The World Will Change In The Depression Of The 1990s , its central hypothesis is that we are headed for a major depression , that deflation will return , that property prices will collapse by two-thirds , that Islam will pour into the power vacuum left by communism , that taxes will soar , that many major corporations will cease to exist , that anyone wealthy enough will flee big cities and away from the gangs controlling them , that countries like India , Canada , South Africa and Israel will fall to bits , that there will be plagues of locusts and frogs and that firstborn sons ought to head for the hills while they 've got the chance .
25 Photographer Sandra Lousada , who produces lots of our favourite pictures , took so many gorgeous shots that we were spoilt for choice .
26 We must move from the idea that the animals were given to us and made for us , to the idea that we were made for creation , to serve it and ensure its continuance .
27 We never had much to eat in ordinary times , but we had less now and us kids were really glad of the extra slice of bread and jam that we were given for our school breakfast .
28 ‘ It goes on to say that they 're designated for marine use .
29 You as a care assistant are likely to be the most important person to show someone who 's depressed that they are cared for .
30 This can be comforting to them to some extent , but what they really want to hear is that you will not only see that they are cared for properly for the rest of their days , but that you will help them to remain in control of their own finances and to be as independent as possible .
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