Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] given " in BNC.

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1 Okay is there anybody else that you would need to talk to about the recommendations that I 've just given to you ?
2 It 's just that I 've never given the matter much thought .
3 Because I would think it 's that I had n't given you the
4 I think that this is important — I am sure that the House will agree that this is important and that I should explain the background to the answer that I have previously given .
5 I think that I have already given way a reasonable number of times .
6 The answer to the hon. Gentleman 's question about the Ministry is the one that I have just given .
7 It certainly has no basis in the figures that I have just given him in answer to his question .
8 The figures in the article were not those that I have ever given to the House .
9 And Lucy called her in the morning , swept away all doubts with a rush of enthusiasm about the exhibition , and only when they 'd hung up did Jay realise that she had n't given her a date , a time ; that she — they ? — were just where they 'd been five months before .
10 Her heart sank ; she had been so intent on trying to score off him that she had n't given a thought to what her careless words could do to the understanding that had seemed to be developing between them .
11 And as she pushed open the forest-green doors of Woodline Design she realised with surprise that she had n't given a thought to Max for some considerable time .
12 She 'd been so preoccupied with first the tragedy , and then her concern for the twins ' welfare , that she had n't given any thought to the future .
13 In her confusion , as she continued the preparations for the meal , she looked over to him to ascertain that she had not given offence .
14 He added that she had not given him her London address .
15 ‘ I think that you had better go , ’ Sally-Anne said — and she remembered with pride that she had not given an inch , had shown no emotion as her life had crumbled around her .
16 She had been so worried that she had not given one thought to the fact that she was here in her nightdress with Felipe standing looking down at her .
17 She said that she had nearly given up the idea , but ‘ every time she met a cripple her conscience smote her ’ .
18 ‘ Fortunately for you , ’ she agreed swiftly , having momentarily forgotten that she had deliberately given him the impression that she wanted their affair kept secret .
19 It crossed Juliet 's mind that she 'd never given him her home number , so how could he know it ?
20 Her voice trailed away as she realised , from the other woman 's beaming smile of relief , that she 'd inadvertently given her hostess quite the wrong impression .
21 I 'm supposed to think that you 've just given me the OK . ’
22 Now if we can go back to the cart that you 've kindly given
23 Erm but erm that 's a , a very important point and er just remember that you have actually given the money to the other partner , technically in terms of tax anyway , and er that er can , can have an affect on things .
24 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
25 We must also recognise that we have not given them the support and management guidance on practical recruitment that they , as volunteers , need .
26 The hon. Gentleman must recognise that we have not given a commitment to establish a funding council : we simply gave a commitment to provide powers for the Secretary of State to do so .
27 ‘ I am pleased the Court has upheld the interpretation of Section 79 that we have always given to it , and that the section , which had been introduced at our request , had been correctly framed to allow for the flexible exercise of delegated powers . ’
28 It is entirely coincidence that we have now given up pies for Lent .
29 Dorothy explained that they had n't given her any money ; she was here as a reporter for a journal whose name they knew ; her membership of the feminist abortion campaign to which PopCon had just made a large grant was irrelevant to the present discussion ; she was just doing her job .
30 But it was clear that they had not given the subject much thought , nor did they feel there was any need to .
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