Example sentences of "[that] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Here again Rousseau fails to make the point that books can provide what is ( because of the writer 's art and craft ) virtually a direct experience .
2 It says that judges should follow whichever method of deciding cases will produce what they believe to be the best community for the future , and though some pragmatic lawyers would think this means a richer or happier or more powerful community , others would choose a community with fewer incidents of injustice , with a better cultural tradition and what is called a higher quality of life .
3 The soft conventionalist could find in that exceedingly abstract consensus a convention that judges must follow whatever conception of law best justifies coercion , and he could then argue , via the route of declaring some conception best on that standard , that this abstract convention actually includes , within its implicit extension , the proposition that precedent cases must be followed when there is no difference in moral principle between the facts presented in the precedents and those in the present case .
4 It is intended that the system of Special Discounts should continue in subsequent years , although the percentage discount and the rules by which policies will qualify may vary from year to year and the possibility can not be ruled out that circumstances may arise which would make it inappropriate to grant any Special Discount at all .
5 The court recognised , however , that circumstances may arise which require not merely the carrying out of a fresh balancing exercise but the disclosure of documents within this otherwise immune class because of some yet more potent countervailing public interest .
6 Diversion of resources into light industry , for example , can not solve the incentive problem as , without market pressures , there can be no guarantee that factories will produce what consumers wish to buy .
7 Some organisations print a sheet of miniature photographs so that editors may choose which , if any , they would like to have .
8 Therefore the restaurant manager and other front-of-house staff must use their skill to talk enthusiastically and intelligently about the menu so that customers will appreciate what the chef is producing , and dare to be adventurous .
9 ‘ the exercise assumed that academics would know what they were looking for ’ .
10 The programme needs to be practical so that patients can apply what they have learned to their own situations .
11 The adviser spelt out the details of the scheme , saying that the self-appraisal consisted of providing factual information , looking at what they were doing and describing it so that advisers could understand what they are trying to do .
12 The starting point will be that teachers should know what will be expected of them .
13 The intention is that doctors will know which herbs can be used in the treatment of certain complaints .
14 It is all very well , he argues , to say that voters should know what is going on , and use this knowledge to formulate their own electoral decisons ; but not when they are ‘ acting on duff information ’ .
15 In the example above , so that children might imagine what it is like to be blind , the teacher invites them to deprive themselves temporarily of their sight .
16 But in the classroom teachers constantly used technical terms such as noun , verb , adjective , metaphor , simile , paragraph and sentence , and took for granted that children would know what they meant .
17 There are particular roles that children can play which themselves encourage the use of questions : the detective the investigator the reporter ( TV , radio , newspaper ) the interviewer the researcher .
18 Sometimes loss of money or the loss of a job causes fears such that men may wonder what will become of their families .
19 It is expected that students will understand what is meant in this context by the terms rank , cohesion , and context of situation , and that they will know something of those recent developments with which the term ‘ Systemic ’ is particularly associated .
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