Example sentences of "[that] [art] [noun prp] has been " in BNC.

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1 It has been reported for example that the UK has been identified as the main European culprit as far as sulphur emissions and the killing of Norway and Sweden 's lakes is concerned , yet the UK 's sulphur emissions have been in decline since 1970 while acidification has not .
2 The result of all these changes is two-fold , that the UK has been getting richer , but not as fast as the rest of the industrialized world .
3 The Review Report recognises that the NHS has been chronically underfunded during the 1980s and that extra resources are needed for reform and modernisation .
4 Provider power to shape the service also means that the NHS has been unresponsive to central policy direction and strategic planning .
5 Since the petition was raised , there has been some progress in this direction in the European Community , and I am pleased that the EC has been especially sympathetic towards the views of people like Mrs.
6 You should ensure that the DC has been submitted for agreement using option 2.1.3 — Submit DC .
7 The National Council for Women 's ‘ Charter for Women 's Health ’ launched in September calls for the right to knowledge , participation in health-care decisions , opportunity for choice , provision for quality care , accessible health care & the right to a healthy lifestyle ( All issues that the NCT has been working towards for a long time ) .
8 However , I would take issue with her view that the U.K. has been ‘ failing ’ economically or militarily in the recent past compared to the U.S. Economically it 's certainly not true , some examples :
9 As details of the respective bids were unveiled in London and Delhi , TODAY 's revelations that the TCCB has been outmanoeuvred by the sub-continent were confirmed .
10 ‘ I 'm sure I 've missed a crucial piece of information , but my understanding is that the TARDIS has been infiltrated and taken over by Pool . ’
11 We notice that the SSA has been advertising inflatable sumo wrestling kits to hire .
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