Example sentences of "[that] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Belgium the government decided on Jan. 16 that the Belgian minesweepers in the Gulf of Oman and a frigate in the southern Red Sea would be used as hospital or refugee ships .
2 Even if the complete compound exists within the syntax window it is likely that the incorrect parts of speech will be assigned to the constituent words resulting in an erratic selection of words by the analyser .
3 Earlier , North Korea had on July 17 cancelled an 11th round of talks to arrange a joint meeting of legislators ( scheduled for July 19 ) , on the grounds that the violent clashes within the South Korean National Assembly [ see this page ] had made the meeting impossible .
4 The Uranium Institute , based in London , has calculated that the 816 tonnes of HEU that might be released from American and Soviet disarmament could take the place of 166,000 tonnes of natural uranium , roughly three years ' worth of world demand .
5 Furthermore , he argues that proper-nouns have a grammatical structure , and that the compositional rules for such compounds will have to be written into NLP systems .
6 They are imperfect players in an imperfect democracy ; and they are there , from time to time , to write and investigate things that the closed worlds of the British professions would grind their teeth over .
7 They are imperfect players in an imperfect democracy ; and they are there , from time to time , to write and investigate things that the closed worlds of the British professions would grind their teeth over .
8 ‘ Are you trying to tell me , ’ Richmann began dangerously , ‘ that these changes in plan have been made just on the basis of your superstitious intuition that the newest arrivals on the island are somehow dangerous ? ’
9 The warp strands are fed individually to the horizontal beam at the bottom of the loom which can be rotated to that the finished portions of the rug are rolled onto the beam .
10 Water application systems can therefore be very effective and efficient , provided that the necessary requirements for their performance are well defined , and that the system is truly designed to meet these requirements .
11 Expansion of neuronal material provided areas devoted to ‘ association ’ so that the necessary correlations between stimulus patterns and their effects in terms of comfort or discomfort ( see below , p. 26 ) could be made .
12 Moreover , the recommendations of the Redcliffe-Maud and Wheatley Commissions that the personal services of education , social services ( social work in Scotland ) and housing should be allocated to the same local authority were not followed outside London and the English metropolitan areas .
13 It seems to the Senior Management Team that the personal objectives of individual members of the department and institutional and departmental objectives are very largely congruent and that our recommendations are a way of achieving , we hope , both .
14 It is well known that the personal characteristics of a participant observer affect their research practice ( see Hunt 1984 ; Warren 1988 ; Warren and Rasmussen 1977 ; Wax 1979 ) , and that being female brings its own problems in the field .
15 It should be remembered that the personal representatives of a deceased partner do not in their official capacity have the right to participate in the business of the firm .
16 McLaughlin 's ( 1991 ) study showed clearly that the personal incomes of ex-carers were around £40 lower than the 1988 Family Expenditure Survey ( FES ) per capita average , while the incomes of two-adult households containing an ex-carer were £144 a week lower than their FES counterparts .
17 Adequate insurance cover gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your business 's ability to continue trading has been preserved , and that the personal assets of directors are not at risk .
18 Although it recognised that the eight areas of experience were important , the secondary school curriculum was discussed largely in terms of subjects because that is how secondary education is organised .
19 As King Hassan celebrated the 30th anniversary of his accession to the throne on March 3 , officials disclosed that the eight members of the family of the late Gen. Mohammed Oufkir had been released on Feb. 27 after over 18 years in detention .
20 Thus the Vatican Declaration can freely admit that the former reasons for not ordaining women are now discredited , while at the same time pointing to the constancy of the tradition .
21 With characteristic phraseology , he alleged that eighty per cent of Soviet leaders were Jews , that the former leaders of the Bavarian Räterepublik , the Spartakus League , and the Communist Party , had been Jews , and that the Jews were now plotting to plunge the whole of Europe into ‘ Bolshevik chaos ’ .
22 There is at least one instance of an aedile of a pagus , although we might suspect that the praefectus pagi of the Gallic Epotes lies outside the normal run of local government officials , though it must be remembered that magistrates could appoint prefects to act for them in their absence .
23 Note that the apoptotic cells in e , f are about three times smaller in diameter than the normal cell in d .
24 Yoga teaches that the metabolic responses in the body are the result of how we interpret outside experience . ’
25 We can see also , as between the Godwinians and Bloomsbury , that the external relations of such formations are not only a matter of internally defined intentions , but of the actual and possible relations of the whole social order .
26 For fifty years since the posthumous publication of Henri Pirenne 's Mahomet et Charlemagne ( 1937 ) scholars have been debating what they have labelled its ‘ thesis ’ : that the ancient rhythms of an undivided Mediterranean civilization had enough tenacity to survive Germanic invasions and settlements , and were disrupted and transformed only as a consequence of the spread of Muslim power , cutting the Mediterranean in half .
27 With a new prime minister and , in effect , a new government , it was perhaps inevitable that the ancient sillinesses of Britain 's elected chamber should be a talking-point once more .
28 As Argyll and lord James said , in their reply of the 13th in which they openly declared it to be the role of the nobles and council ‘ to provide that the ancient liberties of the realm be freed from tyranny of strangers ( and ) to abolish ( God assisting us ) all manifest idolatry and maintainers ’ , he had not been ‘ so full and plain as we expected ’ .
29 Many people do not realise that the ancient bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are not actually part of the United Kingdom , though they have chosen to be part of its air traffic control and aviation legislation systems .
30 Yet others say that the poor countries of Africa put out their corpses to be devoured — by creatures regarded with superstitious awe — as the least burdensome method of disposal .
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