Example sentences of "[that] [be] [vb pp] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The COB Rules that are expressed to apply to customers apply to both .
2 Finally , any other COB rule that expressly indicates that it is not restricted to regulated business will also apply ; the firm must therefore comply with those COB Rules that are expressed to apply to investment business ( rather than the narrower regulated business ) .
3 A social hierarchy , peck-order , or social dominance grouping consists of individuals that are ranked according to their status .
4 The clothes that are washed belong to and are used by someone , normally the housewife , her husband and children .
5 As Hirsch ( 1977 ) points out , sexual relationships that are bought tend to be looked down on in our society compared with those that are freely chosen .
6 In the New Testament there are four different words that are used to refer to a gift and the one used here means an endowment , and an endowment comes , not because of me , but it becomes because of the grace of the giver .
7 Consignments that are shipped according to the rule books are the exception rather than the rule .
8 Gough could always write back to the Scottish League — as he is obliged to do this week in response to the management committee 's request for his views on United 's complaint over Ferguson — and point out that being forced to go to such lengths to contain his opponent proves he was correct to covet the forward for his team .
9 Thirty-four of the total of 40 buildings that were discovered remain to be explored .
10 Then , waving aloft a sheaf of papers , he uttered the famous lie that was to catapult him into the limelight for four years : ‘ I have here in my hand a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department . ’
11 Wilson ( 1975 ) has suggested another reason for the division between positivist criminology and penology : the causal variables that were proposed related to areas that were difficult to change — especially with the limited powers and resources available to penal practitioners .
12 Full details and syllabus of the teacher training course have been sent to them , and the syllabus and assessment sheets for the Junior and Youth Bronze Awards , which apply throughout the British Isles , while the statistics that were requested apply to Scotland only — I felt the letter was needed in case they thought there were only 4 teachers in the whole Society !
13 The network news programmes provide only a ‘ headline service ’ , nothing can be dealt with in any depth and everything that is covered has to be supported by good televisuals .
14 But suppose we think that everything that is said purports to be a statement of fact , and suppose we think that for someone to be justified in saying what he says he must say it on the basis of something he has observed .
15 From this amalgam of ideas there emerges a vision of collective ownership of social and economic property that is managed according to democratic principles .
16 Swanton 's presentation of the poem is an exercise in detailed précis and commentary ; the only complexity of any credit that is found added to " " pure narrative at its simplest and barest " " is a little irony in the incredible moral comment passed by the narrator on the clerk 's desires : ( In this he was wrong ! : this might , however , be translated " This caused him grief ! " )
17 At a 1 : 1 000 000 scale each overlay consists of 200 Mb of data , a figure that is expected to increase to 500 Mb when the digitization programme is completed in 1989 .
18 ‘ Visa International , the biggest credit-card company handles over 6 billion electronic transactions a year — a figure that is expected to rise to 15 billion by 2000 .
19 The price that 's paid tends to be higher in government than it does elsewhere .
20 Everything that was written spoke to me . ’
21 The Estonian parliament , influenced by these concerns , adopted a constitutional amendment on 16 November providing for the right of veto over all legislation that was intended to apply to the USSR as a whole .
22 Not the cover on him there might have been , the sort of er chance clear chance that was given say to in the local derby match the other Saturday , and really made it count .
23 As I say the first one that was found had to , it was his turn to be on next .
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