Example sentences of "[that] [pron] 'll [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 So I think that I 'll do a little more work on camera in a couple of years ’ time , and then see if I can become a proper writer . ’
2 Well one of the obvious pluses is that I 'll have a chance to do what I want to do when I want to do it .
3 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
4 oh , give me that I 'll have a bit of it thank you
5 Aye have a look , while you 're doing that I 'll have a look at what bits and pieces see if I talk to you for a minute about these
6 I have to be convinced that she 'll make a good mother . ’
7 Right , so that you 'll do a clean run through .
8 If you do n't tell them that you 'll want a deposit cheque of thirty five percent of the first year 's payment depending on what you charge them
9 ‘ There 's always the danger that you 'll lose a number and the pressure comes back on .
10 Doubt that you 'll find a loophole easily . ’
11 That one will be joined to a quaver beat , so that you 'll have a group of three .
12 What will happen in fact is that you 'll have a start date for your system , which was basically when N1 was , and what they will be looking for is that everything from that date forward is complying right so that a job that started before then , they wo n't look for the initial part of that job to comply right as of that date onwards they will look for it to comply .
13 I 'm absolutely convinced it can , and particularly now that you 'll have a government in East Germany which will be , on all the important questions , in total accord with the government in West Germany .
14 Well if you can get that we 'll have a look at that and I want you to try some of these equations in it .
15 by no means perfect and there are some loopholes in it that we 'll have a look at in a moment .
16 It seems to me from looking at the figures within the projections that what North Yorkshire are are planning is that we 'll have a return to that widening black area that 's part of that particular diagram .
17 Now what 's the chance , that we 'll get a blue out of the first bag , and a blue out of the second bag ?
18 Let's call that equation one seven er in actual fact what we 'll do is that we 'll put a random random error term on the end as well just to say that this is , rule is not perfect and there will be some fluctuations around it .
19 Keeping things simple , generally the safest approach , means that we 'll use a standard typeface but use it very big .
20 Hoping that they 'll have a home .
21 She says she 's hoping that they 'll find a new kidney donor .
22 A new board is voted in on the promise that they 'll get a better deal .
23 One of the main shareholders of the Oxfordshire brewery Morland has announced that it 'll reject a hostile takeover bid for the company .
24 According to a report In ComputerWorld IBM is now saying that it 'll have a single micro-kernel-based operating system for OS/2 and AIX within two years , allowing users to run Unix or OS/2 applications in either environment .
25 But having written TCP/IP and NFS functionality into NT , it is adamant that it 'll develop a Windows application programming interface for SVR4 with or without USL 's help .
26 Anyway , I 'm only being friendly with Dr Rafaelo so that he 'll arrange a meeting for me with the handsome Miguelito .
27 Yeah erm the amount of police necessary for each area is based on all sorts of statistics , and for the statis statistics that we have for this area , we have or the chief constable 's decided that he 'll allocate a hundred and two police officers to police this area , which we find adequate .
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