Example sentences of "[that] [pron] 've [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's only recently that I 've felt able to write about him , but the controversy about Down 's Syndrome babies has brought it all to the surface .
2 ‘ The fact that I 've achieved relative success at this club does n't help me now , and I do n't think it should be taken into account either .
3 ‘ I do n't think that I 've made great strides in the game ’ , he comments , ‘ but I 've made steady progress since I turned pro . ’
4 Does that mean that I 've made lumpy custard ?
5 The erm , any other areas that I 've drew particular attention as a , as a , key issue is on the matter of er legality and doing work for other bodies , which has been an issue here which er , as you may recall we mentioned that in the last two or three years .
6 It 's not such a magnificent thing that I 've got pregnant , it 's just I 'm the only one that 's kept it .
7 alright , so I 'm going to ask my casualty to hold my nice clean sterile pad that I 've got folded ready over the wound , there , gently , okay ?
8 ‘ General belief is , ’ he said , ‘ that you 've gone mad .
9 But what you have to do is actually realize that Jesus died for you you have to be sorry for all the things that you 've done wrong and you need to ask him to come into your life and to be your own saviour .
10 The only other thing I would say is that you 've got domiciliary health there on the bottom of page forty-three for the first time , a thing that we certainly asked for on your behalf .
11 What that you 've got lovely hair ?
12 We 've just finished the first round of waivers for people receiving the Home Care Service , and the criteria that I was giving you reflected those , and so when you get your letter , if you feel that you 've got particular financial problems or particular family situations we should take into account , erm then do get in touch with us and we 'll process it and we 'll set out a procedure for you in the letter that we send .
13 Make sure that , sure they 're good quality photographs , normally black and white , sharp , appropriate and so forth , and make sure that you 've got sufficient details associated with it , often a good way of doing it is by having a , something typed on a slip of paper which is just very slightly stuck to the , to the back so the editor can actually see what the thing is and can take it off if he needs to when the picture is actually being reproduced .
14 Now what I would like to say is that we 've made clear that we 're with certain very clear objectives in pushing forward , in saying that certain things had to be achieved and when I read the lilac piece of paper or whatever colour we want to call it .
15 Erm science at the moment we 've just covered erm things like angular momentum erm it just tends to be stuff like that we 've done simple harmonic motion er
16 we should be able to maintain the performance that we 've done prior to December cos everything else should be equal .
17 Erm you may have heard that we 've grown big by being recommended .
18 Cos that 's the usual line you see that , that er that I get , you may have heard the phrase that we 've grown big by being recommended .
19 And er , I like the fact that we 've got similar cottages down here , we 've got this one here , but similar ones there so there 's nothing in the picture which sort of erm detracts from that er very pretty , that little cottage .
20 Everybody knows — including I think members of the Council from all three political groups — everybody knows that we 've got increasing numbers of elderly people , we 've got increasing numbers of disabled and mentally ill people in the community , and if there is one service , and I know there are others , but if there is one service that needs constant new growth it 's Social Services , and that 's not me empire building or anything like that , that 's me simply saying in straight managerial terms there are forces which require us to increase the Social Services budget .
21 One year later she and her husband were expressing their thanks to the Home Support Project for helping them to go on looking after Mrs Cummings at home , and said that although it was still a strain it was ‘ nowhere near as hard as it has been , now that we 've got other people to help us ’ .
22 Yeah , whoever put this plant on the stairs did n't realize that we 've got silly people like you in the house
23 copy that file that we 've got loaded .
24 Well , they were professionals as far as I know , it was n't a matter there of professionals beating amateurs. erm As for the distinction between the amateur and the professional , no , I think , I think that we 've got stuck with this amateur business , partly because it 's related to the idea of the English gentleman , which is only slowly fading .
25 Er the fact that we 've had low unemployment rates is due er mainly to the fact that provision was made for employment er in past years , and we want to make provision now to ensure that unemployment is as low as possible in the future .
26 What we have to do in , and we 've done it very well , and it 's a massive tribute to the quality of staff that we 've had working on this , that we 've done this .
27 so , I must confess when I say that we 've had bad , like that time when Did you give er Lucy back her English ?
28 Firstly we 've had no elections , which means that we 've had little to focus on .
29 ‘ What is new in the book is that we 've produced surviving British intelligence officers of senior rank who make it clear that Popov had this information and was specifically sent to the US to impart it . ’
30 Their victim says she 's delighted that they 've received long sentences .
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