Example sentences of "[that] [pron] should [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is so simple that everyone should understand it .
2 As a means of persuading her , the prince suggested to my chagrin that I should accompany him .
3 Her relations were keen that I should meet her , perhaps because they hoped in desperation that I might be able to help her .
4 ‘ He asked especially that I should meet you . ’
5 It was terribly important that I should beat him , and I struggled desperately against the invisible forces that always prevent one running in dreams .
6 I insisted that I should pay her a rent of five shillings a week and also asked her , somewhat tentatively , if she felt able to come and have tea with my mother in Romford .
7 He felt that I should tell her on my own .
8 If you think it should be on my conscience that I take advantage of her ignorance , then it is only fair that I should tell you she has , in the past , been unfaithful to me . ’
9 I 'm not sure that I should tell you , but seeing that you are a policeman …
10 Not , ’ he added wryly , ‘ that I should tell you that .
11 ‘ What the hell did you expect , that I should treat you as some kind of equal ?
12 I had to laugh at myself for thinking rather longingly now that I should miss it this year , and especially I would miss Addy , whom I loved .
13 When Thomas Turner , Sussex village shopkeeper turned thirty , confides his deep hurt at ‘ the seeming distant behaviour with which my mother treated me today , seeming so mistrustful that I should cheat her ’ , he takes us right to the heart of the complex mixture of love and pain which then as now underlies the relationship between adult children and the older generation :
14 And it does n't appeal to me but I know that I should do it .
15 ‘ Are you suggesting that I should do it for you ? ’ she queried sweetly .
16 They said that I should return it in its box , with the receipt .
17 The innermost box is that I should love him ; in all ways .
18 Are you suggesting that I should ignore them ?
19 When we talked we agreed that I should send you a copy of the Resource Book for Teachers on CALL .
20 Then he proposed that I should marry him ,
21 He seemed so pleased with himself that I could n't help saying that I should mind them very much myself but that I had no objection to his wearing them — a view which I believed surprised him .
22 Your master has persuaded me that you found our correspondence helpful , and that I should resume it .
23 One bend further on she stopped , plucked a plant and signalled that I should breathe it .
24 I became aware that the celebrity was looking at me fixedly ( either trying to remember who I was , in expectation of acknowledgement , or in surprise that I should cut him dead in such a manner ) .
25 After she was dead , after we had said the prayers for her , her son , the young one , brought it to me , all newly furbished like this , and said it was her wish that I should have it , for a musician without an instrument is a warrior without weapon or armour .
26 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
27 And then — that I should hear it first from Nan-Nan .
28 The masked figure stepped ponderously off the dais , sat down at the baize-covered table and indicated with a gloved hand that I should join him .
29 And , Father , he asked — the lord sheriff asked — that I should beg you to have Brother Cadfael informed also , and when the morning comes , if you permit , I am to lead him to the place , to meet the sheriff there .
30 The groups discussed my problems and in the empowering atmosphere it came as quite natural that someone should suggest I start up my own campaign .
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