Example sentences of "[that] [pron] were look for " in BNC.

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1 But I , I did n't know whether that was something that you were looking for , something more local .
2 er and I 'll be the first to recognize that and this was just a sort of the ball park stats that you were looking for .
3 Tha that Scottish card that you were looking for that painting ?
4 What makes this particular story so tragic is that while Jeremy fought to survive , no doubt focusing his efforts on the hope that we were looking for him , a succession of minor acts of negligence , committed by both the Spanish authorities and the British Consul , conspired to delay a proper search being mounted .
5 ‘ The voice of George Sanders gave the character the right blend of conceit , disdain and intelligence that we were looking for . ’
6 Erm , I ca n't remember the exact conversation but the basics of it were that we were looking for somebody called Lawrence and he was at the present time at erm and that he was in possession of a gun and that the caller was concerned for the safety of the occupants of those premises .
7 But what er , I said , told Pete because I had another call when you were at lunch I think and erm he said he 'd heard rumours that we were looking for somebody .
8 I just wanted to come back on er David Potter 's assertion that we were looking for a a higher allocation under I five and I I thought I 'd specifically covered that point by saying that that was n't what we were looking for because that would n't address the sort of development we 're talking about here .
9 The strongest signal of Moscow 's fury with the intransigent Romanian regime came when Pravda , the Communist Party daily newspaper , reported favourably on the demonstrators in Timisoara , saying that they were looking for rapid reforms in the country .
10 The unions said that they were looking for the second week in January to begin an all-out stoppage .
11 McLeish thanked him , scrambled up the embankment , drawing in deep breaths , and walked carefully down the side of the track in the sizeable footsteps of his squad , explaining to them that they were looking for a sharp-edged weapon .
12 When Philip was alone in the wood he imagined all sorts of things about the planes , that they were enemy planes bombing Thirkett , that they were on reconnaissance flights spying , that they were looking for him : a crashed pilot hiding out in the wood .
13 ‘ And so , Jim , ’ said the doctor , ‘ you have the thing that they were looking for , have you ? ’
14 They are said to have explained that they were looking for the conductor to buy their tickets as Stonehouse station did not sell tickets at that time of night .
15 The explanation that they were looking for bones and relics of ancient races puzzled the poet .
16 ‘ Bill was being treated at South Cleveland Hospital and he saw notices that they were looking for donations for the holistic centre in the new hospital building .
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