Example sentences of "[that] [pron] have [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He thinks it 's fun to hang onto the back of my coat with a grip of iron , so that I have to take my coat off and pry him loose .
2 Now there 's one thing that I have to alert us all to the rest may not have been important , perhaps only to some of the larger churches but groups are advised and churches are advised to make sure that in buildings that are used ah , for many different groups that young children under the age of eight do not come into contact with any casual people who may be using that building .
3 My theory is that I have to unmartyr him .
4 Based on that I have to give it to Mel cos he could also bend the ball around the wall to score — I never saw Lorimer do that ( he did nt have to ! ) .
5 I 'm afraid , however , that I have to ask you not to bring anyone else with you ( I 'm not quite sure if you were intending to ) because it really would create problems .
6 It means that I have to do it !
7 Do I appreciate that I have to lead my group to see the story as symbol ?
8 Actually , that definition of an operator proves to be a bit too general so that I have to narrow my choice somewhat , in a way I shall describe shortly .
9 Turning , planing , routing and so on generate vast quantities of shaving , and I have found that I have to empty my 17 litre wet and dry vacuum cleaner at frequent intervals .
10 ‘ You understand that I have to question everything . ’
11 The guard was heard to say : ‘ I have been told by management that I have to remove you from the studio . ’
12 We tend to assume , I think , in normal usage , that I have to suspect what you are thinking , and to imagine or conjecture what you mean by an expression , but that you have some direct and privileged access to your intentions which enables you to know what you mean .
13 I learned Dimac from a lama in Tibet and my hands are so deadly that I have to keep them in a locked closet when they 're not in use .
14 Well the story that I have to tell you to begin with comes all the way from a very hot and very large continent .
15 Erm one difficulty with with giving a financial report is so many things seem to happen quickly and a erm apart from the fact that there was a , a major finance resources comes from we , as well you see that I have to tell you now these have been done on the red letter assembly side and you may want to alter one there er according to reform I see the cost per erm person attending is not a hundred and twelve pounds , but a hundred and fourteen pounds and that means that we have forty representatives we 've got to try and find four thousand five hundred and sixty .
16 The penalty is that you have to decide what sizes you want and prepare them in advance , a process that can take quite a time and uses up a considerable amount of disk space .
17 ‘ She told me , ‘ Just because you 're sleeping with Jean , does n't mean that you have to use her in Vogue . ’ ’
18 It is when we come to the particular that you have to use your own personal judgement , opinion , interpretation of what you observe and experience .
19 Now you 're one of a pair , it does n't mean that you have to do everything together , but the chances are that you will want to spend a lot of your spare time with each other .
20 In case you fail to appreciate the lustre of this honour , I should point out that you have to do something pretty dreadful to be singled out for vilification in a sermon .
21 Sometimes there 's a moral imperative and you feel everything building up behind you that you have to do it .
22 You are to tell him that you have to see him urgently .
23 But I thi , I I ca n't , I know that you have to take it away .
24 July is a significant month for your future , and with Uranus and Neptune involved it may be that you have to put your trust in the universe rather than try to control events .
25 But those , those Environmental Health Officers who go into committee , and we know very well that you have to put your argument in a particular way or put your point a particular way , in which you want to convince people .
26 For many people the biggest problem with using a computer is simply that you have to type something on the keyboard to achieve anything at all .
27 Yes , but I mean , you have to , you not to not know that you have to count it from the first one does n't matter .
28 Do n't believe that you have to understand everything about Christianity before you can start explaining what you believe to your friends .
29 That you have to find your way with people .
30 And some of them actually cha make sure that you have to keep your house and contents insured through the society , which again can be more expensive .
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