Example sentences of "[that] [pron] must [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course I know that I must not make this mistake .
2 But I had made up my mind that I must not get emotional , so I hid all my feelings .
3 I remember mum saying that I must not let anyone near the suitcases or accept a parcel to take with me and post it when I got to our destination .
4 I made a mental note that I must n't say anything to annoy my prim secretary , at least until after she 'd agreed to help with the business the next evening .
5 I did n't know any details , but a month or so ago I had a row with my uncle and he said then that I must n't count on anything from him ; if I did I 'd be disappointed . ’
6 ‘ And that I must n't worry . ’
7 She was quite nice to me , gave me a cup of tea , and said she knew about her father , that he was all right , and that I must n't worry .
8 I put a few pink flowers on the plant and remember that I must n't overdo this
9 Still , I feel that I must n't die without making sure that the style I can hear inside my head comes roaring out and drowns the cries of parrots and cicadas . ’
10 Paralysed in its grip , she kept telling herself , over and over again , that she must n't leave him to drown : whatever Bella had said to her , however much she herself hated him , there was no point in pretending to herself that she could abandon anyone , not even him , to die .
11 Belle 's angels told her that this terrifying woman suffered excruciating headaches and that she must n't give up .
12 And if you 're not satisfied with what is happening or not happening you should say something but grandma insists that she must n't upset
13 Yet Travis — if it was him — had exacted a promise from her that she must n't breathe a word about Rosemary .
14 But even so he stripped her without haste , all the while keeping up a slow calculated assault on her senses , until the only thought she could cling to was that she must n't reveal her love .
15 Although he 'd assured her that there were no problems , and that she must n't worry her pretty head about her clients , who were sure to understand her problems , Laura still could n't help feeling slightly anxious .
16 She has also been told that she must not remain in the room after 11:30pm and that the campus is off limits for her 18-month-old miniature dachshund .
17 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
18 They told her over and over again that she must not do it , but she could n't help it .
19 Then , curled up in bed that night , she told Fenna that she must not do it anymore , she must not wander off , he must not let her .
20 Sarah had been able to attend the caelidhes again , warned by her mother that she must not do more than two dances , but she found them greatly changed .
21 She nodded slightly , wordlessly , aware somehow that she must not speak , must not allow the spell to be broken .
22 She rested her head for a moment against his shoulder and then sat up straight , conscious that she must not ruffle her carefully coiffured hair .
23 More immediately , while realism dictated that Mary would go to England when she married , Henry was told very bluntly that she must not go sooner : such a demand would be ‘ a right high and right great inconvenience to the realm of Scotland ’ , and parliament trusted to the English king 's ‘ high wisdom ’ , and assumed that he would not insist .
24 But was that not what she wanted — for a voice outside the clamour of her own head to tell her that she need not go back , that she must not go back ?
25 Forced on to what she really meant to say , Kate fumbles for words , absurdly feeling she has to simplify , patronise in order for him to understand her in a language foreign to him , that she must not hurt his feelings , he is part of the oppressed majority , colonised daily by the people she has come to work for .
26 Annie asked , looking briefly into his eyes and reminding herself that she must not prolong the conversation .
27 In the cruel treachery of his words she had only one thought — that she must not seem surprised .
28 Anna decided that she must not profit by it in any way and consulted Constanza — she always did : You are my chief heir and it will affect you — Constanza told her to go ahead .
29 Things that she must not keep to herself .
30 Leo , you must tell her that it is Doctor 's Orders that she must not look after her father any more — that it is too much for her — that she need not even see her father until she is quite well enough , and the doctor has himself offered to find a suitable place , so that she will know her father will be well looked after .
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